USDA Report Notes Role of Biofuels in Carbon Reduction

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA’s 90-Day Progress Report on Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry which includes stakeholder input on how to best use programs, funding and financing capacities to encourage the voluntary adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. The report also supports the role of agriculture in de-carbonizing the transportation sector. The growth of the U.S. biofuels sector, driven in part by the Renewable Fuels Standard, …

Audio, biofuels, carbon capture, Climate Change, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

Ethanol Groups Comment on USDA’s Climate Strategy

Cindy Zimmerman

The ethanol industry responded this week to USDA’s request for information regarding the role for “climate-smart agriculture” and biofuels in combating climate change. The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) offered a number of recommendations, including: As directed by Congress, USDA should actively coordinate and consult with EPA on implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard, especially with regard to the analyses and …

ACE, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, USDA

Agri-Pulse Doing Deep Dive into Biofuels

Cindy Zimmerman

Agri-Pulse is investigating how the biofuels industry has changed and where it’s headed in season two of the farm policy news outlet’s Deep Dive podcast series. “The renewable fuels industry has a strong impact on farmers, rural communities and almost all consumers who fuel up with at least 10% ethanol in their gasoline tanks,” says Agri-Pulse Editor Sara Wyant. “As …

Agri-Pulse, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News

MN Bio-Fuels Association Turns Ten

Cindy Zimmerman

The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association is celebrating 10 years of representing Minnesota’s ethanol industry. “We are very happy to reach an important milestone in celebrating our 10-Year anniversary as an organization in Minnesota. MN Bio-Fuels was formed to represent Minnesota’s ethanol and other renewable fuel producers. We have and will continue to represent the industry at the local, state and federal …

Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Renewable Fuels Part of Climate Plan

Cindy Zimmerman

Industry organizations are pleased to see renewable fuels are included in the 2030 Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Target under the Paris Agreement. The fact sheet for the plan includes “spurring research, development, demonstration, and deployment efforts that drive forward very low carbon new-generation renewable fuels for applications like aviation, and other cutting-edge transportation technologies across modes.” Renewable Fuels Association President …

ACE, Audio, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, USDA

USDA Invests in Rural Water, Energy, and Biofuel Infrastructure

Cindy Zimmerman

In honor of Earth Day 2021, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced $487 million in critical infrastructure prioritizing climate-smart solutions and environmental stewardship. USDA is making the investments under the Water and Environmental Program, the Rural Energy for America Program, the Electric Loan Program and the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program. USDA is investing $18.4 million in 20 …

Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, Environment, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

Nebraska Ethanol: Emerging Issues Forum Features CEO Panel

Cindy Zimmerman

The 16th Annual Ethanol: Emerging Issues Forum last week, hosted by the Nebraska Ethanol Board and Renewable Fuels Nebraska, featured an industry CEO panel that discussed some of the most pressing topics in the renewable fuels space. Renewable Fuels Nebraska (RFN) interim director Pam Miller moderated the panel with American Coalition for Ethanol CEO Brian Jennings, Growth Energy CEO Emily …

ACE, Audio, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, NCGA, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, RFS

States File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case

Cindy Zimmerman

The states of Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, South Dakota, and Virginia have jointly filed an amicus curiae brief in the Supreme Court case supporting the position of the Biofuels Coalition made up of the Renewable Fuels Association, National Corn Growers Association, National Farmers Union, and American Coalition for Ethanol. The Coalition welcomed the support from the states, as …

ACE, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NCGA, NFU, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Biofuels Coalition Files Brief in Supreme Court Case

Cindy Zimmerman

The Biofuels Coalition, comprised of Renewable Fuels Association, the American Coalition for Ethanol, the National Corn Growers Association and the National Farmers Union filed a response brief this week in the Supreme Court case HollyFrontier Cheyenne Refining, LLC, et al., v. Renewable Fuels Association, et al. In the brief, the coalition argues in support of the challenged Tenth Circuit decision, …

ACE, Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NCGA, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Biofuels Included in New USDA COVID Aid Program

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA has unveiled a new initiative for farmers, ranchers and biofuels producers impacted by COVID-19 market disruptions – Pandemic Assistance for Producers (PAP). USDA is dedicating at least $6 billion toward the new programs. The Department will also develop rules for new programs that will put a greater emphasis on outreach to small and socially disadvantaged producers, specialty crop and …

ACE, Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA