Nova Biosource Fuels Inks Deal with Scott Petroleum

John Davis

Biodiesel maker Nova Biosource Fuels has agreed to purchase 50% of the biodiesel produced from a Greenville, Mississippi plant that is a joint ventire between Nova and Scott Petroleum. In a company press release, Nova says the plant will be capable of producing 20 million gallons of biodiesel a year when it is finished this summer: “We selected Nova’s technology …


Lincoln, Coleman Look to Extend Biodiesel Tax Incentive

John Davis

In a bi-partisan move, Sen. Blanche Lincoln, Democrat from Arkansas, and Norm Coleman, Republican from Minnesota, have introduced legislation today to extend the federal biodiesel tax credit. The legislation would extend the federal excise tax credit and income tax credit for biodiesel to 2017. Lincoln originally introduced the credit and got it passed in 2004. In a press release, the …

Biodiesel, Government, Legislation

Biodiesel on a Small Scale, Too

John Davis

So many times, we talk about large biodiesel refineries coming online that will supply entire regions with the renewable fuel. But this little item in a local on-line paper caught my eye. The University of Wisconsin Extension Service is sponsoring at least two workshops… one at the Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton on March 27th and one in Dunn …


Illinois Eyes Cities’ Requirement on Hybrid, Alt-Fuel-Using Vehicles

John Davis

An Illinois state lawmaker wants to see cities in his state use vehicles that run on more alternative fuels. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Rep. Mike Boland has introduced legislation that would require cities to buy vehicles that run on more ethanol and biodiesel: “We have an opportunity to really bring about an economic renaissance to rural Illinois by the …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, News

Additive to Reduce NOx Approved for Texas Biodiesel

John Davis

California-based Oryxe Energy International has announced that Texas has approved the company’s biodiesel fuel additive, ORYXE LED for Biodiesel, for use in the state. In a release on the Oryxe web site, it’s touted as the first biodiesel additive to reduce NOx emissions. While biodiesel reduces other emissions, this additive will help the fuel reduce the damage done by NOx …


Obama on Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Presidential candidate Barak Obama visited the nation’s number one ethanol producing state over the weekend. During his visit to Davenport, Iowa, he did an interview with local television station WQAD-TV during which he was asked about his support for ethanol, in light of the current high price of corn. “I think what we’re seeing is the market for alternative fuels …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, News

Presidents Talk Biofuels

Cindy Zimmerman

During a press conference Friday with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President Bush said, “I hope the citizens of Brazil, like the citizens of the United States, are as optimistic about the future as these two Presidents are. And one reason we’re optimistic is because we see the bright and real potential for our citizens being able to …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, International, News

25 x ’25 Action Plan

Cindy Zimmerman

Leaders from a broad alliance of agricultural, energy, environmental, business and labor groups recently rolled out a set of specific recommendations for reaching an ambitious renewable energy goal: 25 percent of the nation’s energy supply from renewable sources by 2025. Members of the 25x’25 Alliance were at the recent Commodity Classic to answer questions and discuss goals with members of …

Biodiesel, Commodity Classic, Ethanol, Government, News

Coral Cables Going Green

John Davis

The City of Coral Gables, Florida will be the first city in South Florida to use biodiesel in the city’s vehicle fleet. According to a city press release, Coral Gables has inked an agreement with SolarDiesel Corp. to test 20% biodiesel in the city’s trucks. “Coral Gables continues to be a leader and on the cutting edge of providing municipal …


The Trickle Down of Biodiesel

John Davis

Often times we hear about the added value alternative fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol bring to an area. The Seattle, WA area will begin to see those effects as it opens a major biodiesel plant. When it opens this summer, the Imperium Renewables plant is expected to produce 100 million gallons of biodiesel a year and will become the …
