The Lt. Governor of Iowa met our convoy off of I-80 after we got into Iowa. She’s Sally Pederson (right), seen here with AASHTO staff members Jennifer Gavin (left) and Kathie Leyendecker.

Burn Ethanol In That Harley
Before we were escorted into Living History Farms in Iowa I met with our escorts, the American Legion Riders of Iowa.
NE Lt. Governor Rick Sheehy
I didn’t get my own photo of Nebraska Lt. Governor Rick Sheehy today so I borrowed this one from his website. However, I did get to speak with him after our Omaha press conference.
Todd Sneller Interview
Todd Sneller, Administrator of the Nebraska Ethanol Board (right of NE Gov. Dave Heineman) says that the board was created to help consumers understand and know that ethanol is safe to put in their vehicles. He says they conducted a 2.2 million mile test of ethanol blends in the mid 1970’s to get EPA certification for the blends.
Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman
Nebraska Governor, Dave Heineman spoke at our press conference here in Omaha this morning. Afterward I got to meet and interview him.
Corn Grower & Shop Manager
The Grand Island/Hall County Convention & Visitors Bureau welcomed us to our fuel stop yesterday with bottled water and candy bars. Thank you.
North Platte Press Conference
Our first stop on the highway Wednesday was North Platte, NE. Here’s our stage at the press conference at the truck weigh station.
Meet Merrill Eisenhower Atwater
Travelling with the convoy is Merrill Eisenhower Atwater (right), great grandson of President Dwight Eisenhower. Here he’s talking with transportation author, Dan McNichol.
Wyoming Ethanol Visits Convoy
At our morning press conference today, Bill Newman, Safety Manager for Wyoming Ethanol drove up in Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal’s E85 GM Avalanche. It was nice to see someone from the ethanol industry on hand. The Wyoming Department of Transportation pointed the vehicle out to attendees and the brightly wrapped truck caught a lot of eyes.
WYDOT Press Conference
Welcoming the AASHTO Convoy Crew to Wyoming today was John Cox, Director of the Wyoming Dept. of Transportation. We had a press conference at a rest stop at 8,600 ft., the highest spot on I-80.