Fuels America held a webinar briefing with industry stakeholders Thursday about the future of the Renewable Fuel Standard. Under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program in the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets annual biofuel blending requirements in accordance with volumes determined by Congress through 2022. After 2022, in a rulemaking commonly referred to as “The Set,” …

DriveClean Initiative Launches
A diverse coalition of organizations has launched DriveClean, a multi-sector initiative to work on bipartisan legislation creating a market-based, technology-neutral national Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) during the 118th Congress that convenes in January. The coalition is made up of organizations representing agriculture, utilities, renewable fuel producers, environmentalists, technology firms, EV charging companies, and truck and bus manufacturers. Among those groups …
USDA Announces Climate Smart Commodities Project Funding
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing up to $2.8 billion in 70 selected projects under the first wave of the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities funding opportunity, with more projects to be announced later this year. More than 450 proposals were submitted for the funding opportunity and the strength of the projects identified led USDA to increase its investment from …
RFA CEO Joins White House Climate Law Celebration
Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Geoff Cooper attended an event at the White House Tuesday to celebrate passage of the Inflation Reduction Act which includes provisions to benefit the biofuels sector. “There are lots of tax credit and grant provisions in there for renewable fuels and we are most excited about the sustainable aviation fuel tax credit,” said …
U.S. Exports of Ethanol and DDGS Up in July
In the latest trade monitor update from the Renewable Fuels Association, U.S. exports of both ethanol and the co-product dried distillers grains (DDGS) were up in July. Exports of ethanol increased six percent in July to 107.2 million gallons (mg), marking the tenth consecutive month that exports were over 100 mg. Canada imported 41.6 mg, up 1%, to maintain its …
Ethanol Report from Farm Progress Show
Ethanol was in the spotlight at the Farm Progress Show in Iowa this week and the Renewable Fuels Association was there to promote the high octane benefits of the fuel and the role of biofuels and farming in combating climate change. RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper, Director of Government Affairs Jared Mullendore, and Vice President of Industry Relations Robert …
#FPS22 Legislative Panel on Outlook for Biofuels
Agri-Pulse editor Sara Wyant moderated a legislative outlook panel of mostly Midwest lawmakers in the Syngenta tent at Farm Progress Show Wednesday. Joining Wyant were (L-R) Reps. Rodney Davis (R-IL); Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA); Vicky Hartzler (R-MO); GT Thompson (R-PA); Randy Feenstra (R-IA); and Ashley Hinson (R-IA). The discussion included what might happen if Republicans regain the House, farm bill planning, …
RFA Showcases Ethanol Octane Power at #FPS22
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is showcasing its custom-made E85 vehicles at the Farm Progress Show, a 1200-hp flex-fuel Jeep Wrangler and the new Can-Am X3, both built by Kenny Hauk, owner of Hauk Designs. “These were both built on television programs, reaching the masses,” says Robert White, Vice President of Industry Relations. “There’s a lot of attention on the …
Sec. Vilsack Talks Biofuels at Farm Progress Show
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack visited the Farm Progress Show in Iowa Tuesday, the first time he has visited the show since 2012. Vilsack used the occasion to talk about some recent accomplishments, including expanding rural broadband, conservation and biofuel provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act, new opportunities to improve nutrient management, an organic transition initiative, and $100 million in …
ACE Ready to Help Retailers With HBIIP
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) welcomed this week’s news that the application period is now open for latest round of USDA’s Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP), which will provide $100 million in grants to pay up to 50 percent of the cost of equipment for station owners to add or upgrade to sell higher ethanol blends like E15 …