The first commercial plastics-to-fuel plant is in the making to be located in Indiana. San Francisco-based renewable energy development company Brightmark Energy has acquired a majority interest and invested $10 million in plastics-to-fuel technology company RES Polyflow, while committing to an additional $47 million investment in the first plant. RES Polyflow, based in Ohio, innovated the process for converting plastics …

Breakthrough Energy Ventures Launches $1B Green Fund
A new green venture fund has been created by Breakthrough Energy Coalition (BEC) called Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV). The $1 billion investor-led fund will finance emerging energy technologies with the goal of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to near-zero. The announcement was made earlier this month during the climate talks. “It is extremely exciting for us to launch this fund …
Finnish #Climate Report Phases out Coal, Ups #Biofuels
On November 30, 2016, the Finnish Government began discussing its approved National Energy and Climate Strategy that was released on November 24th. “National Energy and Climate Strategy to 2030,” outlines the country’s strategies and gives detailed actions that will be undertaken for the country to reach European Union (EU) climate objectives through 2030 as well as to help Finland to …
KIPP Jacksonville Schools Go Propane
KIPP Jacksonville Schools has converted to propane – the first U.S. charter school to do so. The 100 percent propane fueled school bus fleet will be used to transport students to and from campus. The 14 Blue Bird Vision Propane buses will reduce the fleet’s carbon footprint; the buses emit 80 percent less smog-producing hydrocarbon and nearly eliminate particulate matter …
With Trump Taking America’s Helm, How Will #Biofuels Fare?
In what many are calling an unexpected win for Donald Trump for the next presidency, the renewable energy industry is already asking what will this mean for them. As Democrats tend to be known for greater environmental action and with a Republican in office for the first time in eight years, a concern could bloom as to the the safety, …
The World Series and Energy Production
Yesterday the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Today in Energy had a special baseball themed topic: energy production and the 2o16 Major League Baseball World Series. So let’s take a look at energy production and our two teams the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago Cubs. As quoted from Today in Energy: “In the 68 years since the last title for the …
USDA Accepting FY 2017 REAP Applications
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced it is accepting applications under its Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) that is administered by the Rural Business-Cooperative Service for FY 2017. This cycle, REAP has two funding opportunities: Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Assistance, and Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants. The goal of the …
ATRI Releases Fleet Fuel Economy Survey
A new fleet fuel economy and fuel usage study has found that the median fleet-wide fuel economy of 6.5 miles per gallon is being achieved through a number of technologies including biodiesel. The survey was released by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) and the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and was sponsored by ExxonMobil. For truck-tractors, aluminum …
POET to Add Combined Heat & Power to #Ethanol Plants
POET is adding new combined heat and power energy generation systems to six of its biorefineries located in Ohio and Indiana. The new systems, that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve ethanol’s environmental footprint, will reduce the ethanol plants’ reliance on electrical energy grid as well as recover waste energy to be used in the plants. The system will …
GROWMARK to Purchase Suncor’s Share of UPI
GROWMARK will be purchasing Suncor’s assets in Ontario, Canada-based UPI, which provides energy products, including propane, throughout Ontario. As part of the agreement, GROWMARK will purchase Suncor’s 50 percent interest in UPI. Once complete, UPI will be 100 percent owned by GROWMARK. The transaction is subject to conditions including regulatory approvals and terms were not disclosed. “The agreement aligns with …