Enogen Press Conference at Iowa Speedway

Chuck Zimmerman

Today Syngenta announced a major donation to the Prime the Pump fund, an industry initiative to help early retail adopters of high-level ethanol blends through grants to reduce their initial investment in infrastructure. On the pane (l-r) are Chris Tingle, Syngenta; Ray Defenbaugh, Prime the Pump; Kelly Manning, Growth Energy; Delayne Johnson, Quad County Corn Processors and Chris Soule, Iowa …

Ag group, American Ethanol, Audio, biofuels, Cellulosic, E15, Enogen, enzymes, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, Syngenta

Syngenta Works with Iowa FFA for Ethanol

John Davis

Syngenta is partnering up with Iowa FFA chapters to support ethanol. This company news release says the developer of the corn ethanol feedstock Enogen will be at the American Ethanol 200 with the FFA members to raise money and awareness for flex fuels – and the farm group. The American Ethanol 200 is a 200-lap NASCAR Camping World Truck Series …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Corn Growers Urge Comments on RFS

John Davis

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has opened the public comment period on its proposal to cut corn ethanol in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by nearly 4 billion gallons. That’s prompting the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) to urge farmers and their family and friends to email their opposition to this proposal as soon as possible, before the July 27 …

Ag group, Agribusiness, corn, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, NCGA, RFS

Biodiesel Helps 4-H Students Learn Science

John Davis

Some Minnesota 4-H students are learning more about science, thanks to biodiesel. This story from the St. Paul Pioneer Press says this knowledge could help these kids fill an expected 1,000 person gap in those able to fill the business, science engineering and agriculture jobs in this country each year. For junior high and high school students, “4-H involvement could …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Biodiesel

Novozymes Talks Flexibility for Ethanol at FEW

John Davis

Novozymes, our sponsor for coverage at the upcoming Fuel Ethanol Workshop (FEW), June 1 – 4 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, will be talking about the company’s flexible solutions to increase ethanol plant profitability and achieve operational goals during FEW. Novozymes invites everyone to stop by its booth #1021 and chat with its knowledgeable team. Get a sneak peek at Novozymes Bioenergy …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Ethanol, Ethanol News, FEW, Novozymes

US Ethanol Getting Exported to More Markets

John Davis

A few years ago, almost all of U.S. ethanol went to Brazil, Canada and the European Union. But this article from the National Corn Growers Association says new information from the U.S. Grains Council shows just how wide the market has grown. Exports to the United Arab Emirates, the Philippines and India experienced the strongest growth in 2014. While the …

Ag group, Ethanol, Ethanol News, International, NCGA, USGC

Brazil Ethanol Group Moves Summit Dates

John Davis

A group representing sugarcane ethanol producers in Brazil is rescheduling its biennial meeting. The Union of Sugar Cane Industry Association (UNICA) has moved its Ethanol Summit 2015 to July 6-7, 2015 at the Golden Hall of World Trade Center to accomodate Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, who will be in Washington, D.C., on the original dates at the end of June. …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Brazil, Ethanol, Ethanol News, UNICA

Canadian Canola Growers Want More Biodiesel

John Davis

Canola growers in Canada want politicians to prove they are truly dedicated to addressing climate change – by voting for biodiesel. This article from the Alberta Farmer Express says Ward Toma, the general manager of Alberta Canola Producers Commission, wants them to start by hiking Alberta’s biodiesel mandate. “In their election platforms, almost all political parties talk about climate change …

Ag group, Agribusiness, Biodiesel, International

NFU Disturbed by Renewable Energy Funding Cuts

John Davis

The National Farmers Union (NFU) is expressing its disappointment in proposed cuts to federal spending on renewable energy. NFU President Roger Johnson released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Water spending subcommittee’s voted to reduce funds for renewable energy and energy efficiency. “Renewable energy and energy efficiency are key to building climate resilience, and many …

Ag group, Government, Legislation, NFU