Sen. Roberts Addresses #AFBF19

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS), who just announced he will be retiring from Congress after his current term ends in 2020, addressed some 7,000 members of the American Farm Bureau Federation at the organization’s 100th annual convention Sunday in New Orleans. Known for his caustic wit and straight talk, as well as his dedication to the agriculture community, …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio, Government

AFBF Celebrates Centennial

American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Zippy Duvall officially opened the organization’s 100th annual convention in New Orleans Sunday before approximately 7,000 farmers and ranchers from across the nation. Duvall outlined a few of the organization’s many historic accomplishments since 1919, such as leading the way on the nation’s first farm bill in the 1930s and helping develop the Food …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio

Ethanol and Farm Groups Getting Impatient for Answers

Cindy Zimmerman

In the wake of repeated promises and assurances from the Trump Administration, but no actions, ethanol stakeholder groups are running out of patience. In a joint letter to President Trump today, the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Corn Growers Association, National Farmers Union, National Sorghum Producers, American Coalition for Ethanol, Growth Energy, and Renewable Fuels Association urged the administration to …

ACE, AFBF, Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, NCGA, NFU, RFA, RFS

EPA Approves Sorghum Oil as Biofuels Pathway

Cindy Zimmerman

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler yesterday announced the approval of sorghum oil as an eligible feedstock under the Renewable Fuel Standard during a signing event at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C., with sorghum farmers and other stakeholders. In December 2017, the EPA released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) concerning renewable fuels produced from sorghum oil under the RFS …

AFBF, Audio, biofuels, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, sorghum

Trump Puts Rural America in the Spotlight

President Trump’s address to the American Farm Bureau Federation 99th annual convention this week in Nashville definitely brought agriculture some positive publicity, mentioning the word farmers over 25 times in his speech, more than any of the previous three presidents in all of their official speeches combined. Granted, that is just a guess but I feel safe in saying that …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio

President Trump Addresses Record Farm Bureau Crowd

“Farm country is God’s country,” said President Donald J. Trump at the conclusion of his remarks to a record crowd at the American Farm Bureau Federation 99th annual convention in Nashville. “100 is so much cooler,” Trump said. “I’ll just have to come back again next year.” The president hit all the high notes to please the crowd that helped …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio

Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue at #AFBF18

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue set the stage for his boss and our president Donald J. Trump to address the largest general farm organization in the country Monday. Perdue highlighted accomplishments of the Trump Administration related to agriculture and discussed the importance of trade and NAFTA in particular to U.S. agriculture. “To get a deal, we need all sides …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio, USDA

Farm Bureau Excels at Instant Convention Content

The communications team for the American Farm Bureau Federation is really getting a workout for the organization’s 99th annual meeting in Nashville this week with President Donald Trump attending Monday afternoon. Over 200 registered media and room for only 90, having the vast majority of the convention schedule being changed at the last minute, and just dealing with the logistics …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision

President Trump to Address Farm Bureau

Next month, for the first time in 26 years, the President of the United States will address the membership of the largest general farm organization in the country. Donald J. Trump, the 45th president of the United States, will address farm and ranch families from across the nation at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 99th Annual Convention, Jan. 5-10 in …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Video

Missouri Farm Bureau Listening Session on #FarmBill18

The Missouri Farm Bureau held their annual meeting earlier this week and a highlight for many was the discussion on the 2018 Farm Bill. In a packed house, a Focus on the Farm Bill Seminar took place with Capitol Hill decision makers and thought-leaders in Missouri agriculture. Panelists: – Ranking Member House Ag Committee, Congressman Collin Peterson – Missouri Congresswoman …

AFBF, Ag group, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio, farm bill, Farm Bureau