Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Are you ready for MyFarmRadio on your mobile device?” Don’t worry if you are part of the majority and have never heard of MyFarmRadio. We won’t accuse you of living under a rock just yet, because it is still very new. On November 3rd the new platform MyFarmRadio will launch. The 24/7 digital mobile …

Will You Use New MyFarmRadio.com App?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What is your favorite type of cheese?” It is obvious we all have different tastes when it comes to cheese. It is such a staple in many meals nationwide and there are an endless amount of varieties. Cheddar seems to rise to the top slightly. However, like myself, many like them all. Here are …
Medicinal Marijuana Next Major Cash Crop?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “When do you think medicinal marijuana will become a major cash crop?” It looks like many believe we are very close to recognizing medicinal marijuana as a major cash crop here in the United States. Five to ten years really isn’t that far away. Many are already researching and learning the in’s and out’s …
Forecast for Next Season = Buying & Planting Less
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How will low crop prices impact next year?” Corn and soybean prices have dropped dramatically this year with record crops but the question is how much will that impact plans for next season. Will farmers plant less, buy less, or just hope prices will go back up next year? It looks like most feel …
How Will Low Crop Prices Impact Next Year?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Would you buy an Apple Watch?” Apple never ceases to amaze us with the new products they come up with. It doesn’t look like many of you will be rushing out to buy their newest techie gadget. I think I fall into the ‘not yet’ category. I don’t see how it can benefit me …
ZimmPoll Says Knowledge of Global Agriculture Crucial
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How important is it to know about farming in other countries?” This might be the most one-sided poll we have every had. It seems, and I definitely don’t disagree, that having a global understanding of agriculture is crucial. We may not all be able to learn about them first-hand, but thats where we come …
Equipment Sales Down Due To Commodity Prices
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How do you think commodity prices are impacting farm equipment sales?” Looks like the majority of us believe that since prices are down, sales will also be down. And the other majority polled don’t see this changing in the near future. Here are the poll results: Prices down, sales down – 38% Temporary slump …
Writing Tops Poll as Most Desired Ag Comm Skill
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s the most important skill set for ag communications?” The tried and true skill of writing still tops the charts when it comes to agriculture communications even though the industry has changed so much over recent years. But the importance of a well-rounded graduate is always the end goal. Not surprisingly, people skills comes …
New Holland Loans Tractors to BioCentury Farm
This morning during the Farm Progress Show, New Holland hosted a tour of the Iowa State BioCentury Research Farm. New Holland got involved with the project when they saw a need for the use of some of their equipment and loaned them two tractors, which provided new options for their biomass research projects. The BioCentury Research Farm combines biomass feedstock …
Right to Farm Laws Necessary
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think of Right to Farm laws?” This ZimmPoll struck very close to home for me. As a Missouri farmer, I did what I could to help educate everyone I knew on the truths about the Right to Farm amendment that took a narrow victory earlier this month. I was excited to …