Ethanol Remains Top Priority for Corn Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol remains a top priority for the National Corn Growers Association, as Minnesota farmer Harold Wolle, takes over as president of the organization this week.

During a press conference Tuesday, Wolle talked about his goals over the next year, including support of the Next Generation Fuels Act in the House and Senate while making ethanol a go-to biofuel in the aviation sector. “First off, we need to get year-round E15 approved,” said Wolle. “Our marketers need to have the reassurance that they’re going to be able to market that year round. We’ve seen a tremendous increase in consumer demand for E15.”

Wolle sees sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as a bit farther into the future but a big opportunity for corn. “If we work to get our carbon scores for our ethanol plants and our farms down we will have ethanol with a low enough carbon score that it will be possible to do ethanol-to-jet and I think that’s a phrase you’re going to hear a lot more in the future.”

“My theme as president is ‘shaping the Future,’ and nothing shapes the future like effective advocacy,” Wolle said. “And no other group does advocacy as well as our state corn grower groups and NCGA.”

Listen to Wolle’s press conference here:
New NCGA president Harold Wolle 20:32

Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NCGA