OAL Rejects Portions of CARB LCFS Amendments

Cindy Zimmerman

California’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) last week notified the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that recently adopted amendments to the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) were being rejected, preventing the changes from taking effect. According to CARB, the rejection was due to “inconsistencies of specific regulatory amendment provisions with the clarity standard.”

CARB has 120 days to revise and resubmit the proposal to address deficiencies identified by OAL. Until then, the current LCFS regulations remain in place while CARB navigates the approval process. Depending on the extent of the required revisions, CARB may seek public input.

“Our team is dedicated to engaging with CARB to ensure that the latest science informs clear, effective regulations that support the biomass-based diesel industry and market stability,” said Jeff Earl, Director of State Governmental Affairs at Clean Fuels Alliance America, “We will continue to keep our members and stakeholders informed as new developments emerge.”

The notice was made public last week during the National Ethanol Conference and Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Geoff Cooper told reporters, “Usually the OAL sort of takes their 30 days and then they rubber stamp regulations given to them by CARB. They didn’t do that this time.”

Cooper speculated that the rejection could be related to cost concerns. “We’ve been saying all along that approving E15 in the state of California would help address some of the concerns about costs,” he said.

Listen to Cooper’s comments on the CARB issue starting at 12:00 in this press interview.
RFA CEO Geoff Cooper, press avail (25:22)

Audio, Carbon, Clean Fuels Alliance, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Low Carbon Fuel Standard, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Ethanol Pioneers Get Back to Their Roots at #RFANEC

Cindy Zimmerman

From left: Geoff Cooper, Dave VanderGriend, Todd Brown, Karol King, Rodney Jorgenson, Rod Gangwish

One of the most interesting panels at the 30th National Ethanol Conference was Back to the Beginning: Celebrating Our Roots where we heard from some of the pioneers who founded the modern-day ethanol industry.

From Dave VanderGriend, who founded the design-build firm ICM, Inc. in 1995, to board members of four of the nation’s oldest ethanol plants, they told the tales of triumph over adversity in the early years. Al-Corn Clean Fuel was founded in 1994, Dakota Ethanol in 1999, KAAPA Ethanol in 2001, and Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy (SIRE) in 2005, and all of the board members on the panel were with them from the start. Some of them, like Karol King with SIRE, go back to the earliest days of the 1970s and gasohol.

“I was in Iowa Corn Growers for several years when we worked to get the check off passed with the goal to promote ethanol fuel,” said King. That led to getting involved in the National Gasohol Commission to promote and study the use of gasohol, which had representation in the mid-70s from 26 states. “It was a short-lived group, but it served it’s purpose” working with the Carter administration and helping shape policies like the Energy Security Act of 1980.

Rod Jorgenson with Al-Corn Clean Fuels talked about the significance of the “Minnesota Model” in moving the ethanol industry forward in the ’90s. “The Minnesota Model was a private-public partnership with the goal to add value back to the farm and offer some economic stimulus for development in rural Minnesota,” said Jorgenson. That led to the farmer co-op model to get funding for plants to be built and become operational and, in return, the state would partner with the plant and provide a return on their investment per gallon of production.

Todd Brown with Dakota Ethanol says corn growers developed a plan to grow the industry in South Dakota. “They started a corn investment fund of a million dollars and what they were going to do was invest it in a company and once the plant got up and running, they asked for it back and took it to the next plant, and the next plant…and it turned out to be very successful.”

Listen to this fascinating walk down memory lane with:
Dave VanderGriend, CEO, ICM, Inc.
Karol King, Board Chairman, SIRE
Rodney Jorgenson, Board Member, Al-Corn Clean Fuel
Todd Brown, Board Member, Dakota Ethanol, LLC
Rod Gangwish, Board Member, KAAPA Ethanol Holdings LLC
Moderator: Geoff Cooper, President and CEO, Renewable Fuels Association
RFANEC Back to our Roots Panel (101:36)

Interview with Karol King, Board Chairman, SIRE
SIRE board chair Karol King (5:23)

2025 National Ethanol Conference Photos

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Larson Engineering Attends NEC to Promote Acquisition

Cindy Zimmerman

Don Berg and Doug Edwards, Larson Engineering

Larson Engineering recently announced the acquisition of Fagen Engineering the engineering arm of construction company Fagen, Inc., and attended last week’s National Ethanol Conference to introduce themselves to the industry.

Doug Edwards needed no introduction since he has been in the ethanol industry for a long time, having managed Fagan’s engineering office in Greenville, SC for the last 17 years. “There’s been a lot of smaller engineering firms that have sort of sprung up to try to support the industry with upgrades and modernizations but we, as Fagan Larson, want to step back in and try to reclaim a good bit of that business,” said Edwards.

Larson director of corporate business development Don Berg says like Fagan, Larson is a 100 percent employee-owned company and they are retaining all of Fagen Engineering’s employees. “I think it really does help us attract talent and retain talent and the teamwork that we’ve seen because of this, everyone really does care. The bottom line, because our employees are owners, we think that’s key to our continued growth.”

The acquisition stemmed from Larson’s more than 20-year working relationship with Fagen, as well as interest in the team’s specialized ethanol and biofuel plant and carbon capture expertise. “It fits into our strategic 10 year plan which is to grow revenues by 25% and we looked at how to do that. And one of the things that came up was acquiring someone and since we’ve worked over 20 years with Fagan, it just made sense,” said Berg.

“We were somewhat worried when we were looking to make a merger that we’re going to get consumed by one of these big 5000 man engineering firms and we were just going to disappear,” added Edwards. “Larson was just the right size. They are good people to work with.”

Larson Engineering - Don Berg and Doug Edwards (10:08)

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference

RFA-Sponsored Angler Wins Major Event

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association is proud to celebrate a major win for professional bass angler Ryan Armstrong, who used his E10-powered boat to secure first place at Major League Fishing’s Tackle Warehouse Invitationals – Stop 1 in Kissimmee, Florida.

Sponsored by RFA, Armstrong dominated the competition while showcasing the exceptional performance of E10 in marine applications.

“The RFA simply couldn’t be more proud of our sponsored bass angler, Ryan Armstrong,” said Robert White, RFA’s Senior Vice President of Industry Relations & Market Development. “Ryan’s no-quit determination and ability to adapt on the water are a testament to his skill and hard work. His success not only highlights his talent but also provides a powerful platform to showcase the performance and reliability of ethanol-blended fuels in boats and the sportfishing world.”

Armstrong credited RFA and ethanol producers for fueling his journey to victory. “I wouldn’t be here without the support of ethanol and the Renewable Fuels Association,” Armstrong said. “This is the best start possible for the 2025 season, and I look forward to further representing corn farmers and ethanol producers across the country, demonstrating that ethanol-blended fuels not only fuel boats, but fuel championships!”

RFA has been sponsoring fishing and boating events for many years to educate water sports enthusiasts about the use of 10% ethanol blends in marine engines.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

NCGA President Hopeful for Year-Round E15

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s been 15 years since E15 was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use in most vehicles on the road today, yet it is still not available nationwide on a year-round basis.

“And you know when you think about it’s ridiculous,” said Illinois farmer and National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) President Kenneth Hartman Jr. at the National Ethanol Conference last week. He is hopeful Congress will be able to get legislation passed that will remedy that situation once and for all. “It’s a no cost situation in the bill. It’s good for the consumer because it’s ethanol is running 20-25% cheaper than regular gasoline. It’s good because we got plenty of corn out here right now to produce it and it’s good for the environment. We don’t understand what the problem is.”

NCGA is calling on farmers to add their signatures to a letter in support of the Nationwide Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act which was re-introduced in the House and Senate. “As traction continues to build on this issue, it is critical that corn growers make their voices heard, encouraging Congress to approve legislation to unlock access to E15 year-round,” Hartman said.

There will be year-round E15 in at least eight states as of April 28, thanks to final EPA approval of a waiver requested by Midwest governors. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin announced the agency’s decision Friday to uphold that implementation date to provide parity for E15 and E10 in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

In this interview, Hartman also talks about farm bill prospects, and the upcoming Commodity Classic next week in Denver.
NCGA president Kenneth Hartman (5:43)

2025 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album

Audio, corn, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, NCGA, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

EPA Upholds E15 Parity for Midwest States

Cindy Zimmerman

There will be year-round E15 in at least eight states as of April 28 now that
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin has announced the agency’s decision to uphold that implementation date to provide parity for E15 and E10 in Midwestern states.

This action, requested by the governors of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, provides regulatory certainty for fuel suppliers and expands consumer access to E15 year-round in these states. “Today’s decision underscores EPA’s commitment to consumer access to E15 while ensuring a smooth transition for fuel suppliers and refiners,” said EPA Administrator Zeldin. “Our approach provides certainty for states that are ready to move forward with year-round E15 while accommodating those that requested additional time. We will continue working with all stakeholders to ensure available and affordable fuel supply.”

However, the agency will consider the recent request from the governor of Ohio for a one-year delay to allow the state to get into compliance and intends to evaluate similar requests from other states made no later than Feb. 26. Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper said while they applaud EPA’s action, “Ohio’s request to pull its E15 petition is a troubling sign that underscores the urgency of securing a federal legislative solution as soon as possible. A state-by-state approach would not be necessary if Congress passed the nationwide, year-round E15 legislation recently introduced in both the House and Senate.”

There was a lot of focus on E15 at last week’s National Ethanol Conference. Troy Bredenkamp, RFA Government & Public Affairs, says year-round access to E15 nationwide is the ethanol industry’s number one priority. “Once we get E15 over the hump, I think then we can really start talking about things other than fixing a technical correction that should have been done 15 years ago,” said Bredenkamp. “I think we’re going to see some pretty positive statements coming out of the Trump administration White House here in the next week or so that will indicate to Congress that he wants this issue done resolved once and for all.”

Troy Bredenkamp, RFA Government Affairs (4:32)

2025 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album

Audio, E15, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Ethanol Report from 30th NEC

Cindy Zimmerman

The 30th National Ethanol Conference celebrated the industry’s growth over the past three decades and what the opportunities are for the future.

In this edition of the Ethanol Report podcast, we hear some highlights from the conference, including comments from Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Geoff Cooper, Congressman Randy Feenstra (R-IA), RFA Chief Economist Scott Richman, RFA Industry Award winner Rick Schwark, farmer and SIRE Chair Karol King, global trade expert Everett Eissenstat, US Grains Council CEO Ryan LeGrand, Tim Hughes with the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative, Andy Koblenz with the National Automobile Dealers Association, and RFA Senior VP, Government & Public Affairs Troy Bredenkamp.

Ethanol Report 2-21-25 19:02

Audio interviews, presentations and photos from the NEC can be found in the conference virtual newsroom.

The Ethanol Report is a podcast about the latest news and information in the ethanol industry that has been sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association since 2008.

Choose an option to subscribe

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Ethanol Exports Offer Industry Opportunities

Cindy Zimmerman

There were a thousand and one reasons to attend the last session of the National Ethanol Conference Wednesday, and one of them was learning about the potential for expanding the global market for ethanol.

Exports of U.S. ethanol hit record highs last year and are booming as countries around the world recognize the economic and environmental benefits of American-made renewable fuels.

Renewable Fuels Association General Counsel Ed Hubbard moderated a panel on export opportunities with Everett Eissenstat with Squire Patton Boggs and Ryan LeGrand, U.S. Grains Council President and CEO, to examine the macro-level outlook for global trade under the new Trump Administration, as well as specific challenges and opportunities for expanding ethanol exports.

Eissenstat, a renowned global trade expert who has served in senior positions in Congress, the Office of the US Trade Representative, and the White House, said President Trump’s focus on trade reciprocity may help U.S. ethanol producers in some markets. “Brazil has a very unfair tariff barrier on U.S, ethanol…they’ve got an 18% tariff, which really has crushed the market in Brazil,” he said. “There’s also retaliatory tariffs in China. Maybe there could be some negotiations open that market up as well.”

LeGrand talked about the great potential for U.S. exports of ethanol and distillers grains and said the Grains Council is considering a name change to reflect that. “Ethanol market development makes up about 35% of our total budget and for the last couple of years I’ve been saying that ethanol is part of our identity and practice, but not in name. Which is why we have just recently asked our membership to consider an amendment to our organizational name to become the US grains and Bio Products Council to include ethanol.”

USGC membership will be voting on the name change in August.

Listen to the panel and a press interview with LeGrand here:
RFANEC Expanding Exports panel (45:18)
Ryan LeGrand, U.S. Grains Council (5:24)

2025 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, USGC

RFA Honors Rick Schwarck with Industry Award

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association honored ethanol industry pioneer Rick Schwarck with the 2025 Industry Award at the National Ethanol Conference in Nashville.

“Since co-founding Absolute Energy twenty years ago, Rick Schwarck has demonstrated remarkable leadership in advocating for ethanol, defending the policies that have helped our industry grow, and advancing ethanol’s scientific underpinnings,” RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper said. “He has also been a driving force in forging industry unity and collaboration. Rick has often played the role of peacemaker, and he has a special talent for bringing people together to solve complex problems. When there have been family squabbles—and there have been a few over the years—Rick is the calm voice of reason that helps everyone get back on the same page.”

Schwarck recently retired as CEO of Absolute Energy near St. Ansgar, Iowa but he continues to serve on of the biorefinery’s board of directors and represents the company as a board member of the Renewable Fuels Association, where he has previously served as board secretary.

RFANEC Industry Award (8:30)

2025 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Rep. Feenstra Champions Ethanol at #RFANEC

Cindy Zimmerman

One of ethanol’s champions in Congress visited the National Ethanol Conference Tuesday to chat with members of the industry and Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Geoff Cooper about many issues, including his strong support of nationwide, year-round E15.

Feenstra said it was frustrating to get so close with the inclusion of the provision in the Continuing Resolution in December and then to have it pulled at the last minute. “We said we’re going to do a clean CR until Marsh 15, so now we’re back at the table again,” said Feenstra. “We really want (E15) codified, I really believe within the next several months this is going to happen. There’s just not a lot of push back.”

In his discussion with Cooper, Feenstra touched on a number of topics, from the Inflation Reduction Act and tax credits. Feenstra also met with reporters at the NEC who asked about SAF, farm bill, cuts at USDA, exports and more. Listen below.

Rep. Feenstra and Geoff Cooper (22:56)
Rep. Feenstra and reporters

2025 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA