WasteFuel Agriculture was launched this week at World Ag Expo in California to provide sustainable, profitable solutions for producers of agricultural waste. Producers will be able to sell biogenic farm waste to WasteFuel Agriculture which will convert it into low-carbon fuels such as renewable natural gas and green methanol. Compared to conventional fuels, WasteFuel aims for its fuels produced from …

DFA, Vanguard Renewables Partner On Renewable Energy
Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) and Vanguard Renewables have announced a strategic partnership to help bring anaerobic digestion technology to more farms across the country. Although renewable energy methods, like anaerobic digesters that convert manure to energy, offer solutions to the waste management and sustainability challenges facing the dairy industry, they are not broadly used on American dairy farms. The …
Biogreen Diesel Wins #Biofuels Company of the Year
Biogreen Diesel has been awarded the 2016 South Africa Biofuels Company of the Year by Frost & Sullivan for its work in the biofuel industry producing biodiesel from waste cooking oil. Biogreen began processing between 3,000 to 5,000 litres each month in Cape Town and today is processing between 20,000 to 25,000 litres per month. The company has announced plans …
Research Turns Old Tires into New #Biofuels
Researchers at the QUT’s Biofuel Engine Research Facility have created a way to turn old tires into biofuels. Facility Professor Richard Brown and PhD student Farhad Hossain tested the oil’s emissions and output and found the biofuel reduced emissions with no loss of engine performance. “Globally, 1.5 billion tonnes of tyres are discarded each year. Australia, alone, will generate 55 …
UNIST Discovers Waste Gas to Biofuel Catalyst
A research team led by Professor Jae Sung Lee of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST has discovered a new way to make biofuels directly from carbon dioxide. The team has produced road ready diesel through a direct CO2 conversion to liquid transportation fuels by reacting with renewable hydrogen generated through solar water splitting. The research was published in the …
PNNL Turns Sewage Into Fuel
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have discovered the key to converting sewage to biocrude oil. Using the technology that mimics the geological conditions the Earth uses to create crude oil, called hydrothermal liquefaction, coupled with high pressure and high temperatures, crude oil can be produced in minutes. The resulting product is similar to …
Weltec Biopower Showcases Biogas Technologies
Weltec Biopower is showcasing its biogas technologies during the upcoming Energy Decentral in Hanover, Germany taking place November 15-18, 2016. For the first time, the company will promote its slurry and digestate processing system “Kumac.” According to the company, the system, which is fully automated, reduces the liquid manure and digestate volume by 50 percent. In a four-stage procedure, clear …
Global Bioenergies Leads Wood Residue to Energy Team
A new team has been created, led by Global Bioenergies, to produce fuel from forest residues. The first step of the partnership, that also includes Preem, Sekab and Sveaskog, will be to conduct a conceptual scope study for building the first biorefinery in Sweden. Back in April the consortium announced its partnership with partial financial support from the Swedish Energy …
Biogas Plant Trial Leads to Growth
German-based Greenline is planning a 3 MW biogas plant expansion after the successful trial of an industrial-scale biogas plant in Brandenburg. The biogas plant uses a substrate mix of sugar beet, grass silage and maize to produce energy. The plant was designed by Greenline and is operated by Biogas Osters & Voß GmbH & Co. KG from Groß Gottschow. At …
USDA Grant to Explore Waste-to-Energy
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded a Rural Business Development Grant to fund a feasibility study to evaluate converting a coal-fired power plant into a waste-to-energy transportation fuel production facility. Partners in the project include the City of Becker, Minnesota, where the power plant resides, Wenck and VONCO. The idea was created after Xcel Energy announced plans to …