Ag Secretary Answers Ethanol Questions

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack got questions about ethanol during his first official press conference Monday. Vilsack says he favors improving efficiency in ethanol plants in order to ensure that the industry survives the economic downturn. “We need to make sure that the biofuels industry has the necessary support to survive the recent downturn,” Vilsack told reporters. “The USDA should research, …

Ethanol, News, USDA

Renewable Fuels on Ag Secretary Agenda

Cindy Zimmerman

In his first day on the job at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, newly confirmed Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack laid out his top priorities to USDA staff. In a USDA radio report, Vilsack said that President Obama is “adamant on the need for us to continue to find creative ways to provide the fuel and the energy that this …

Energy, USDA

Outgoing Ag Secretary Notes Biofuel Gains

Cindy Zimmerman

The outgoing U.S. Secretary of Agriculture listed advancements in the renewable fuels industry among the accomplishments of the Bush administration over the past eight years. Speaking to reporters this week, Secretary Ed Schafer noted that growth in ethanol and biodiesel production have helped create “remarkable prosperity and growth in the agriculture economy” during the Bush administration. “Looking to the future, …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, News, USDA

USDA Lowers Corn Usage for Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE) from USDA projects less corn being used for ethanol this year. According to the report released this morning, ethanol use for corn was lowered by 300 million bushels lower “as prospects for blending above federally mandated levels decline.” Financial problems for ethanol producers are reducing plant capacity utilization for existing plants …

corn, Ethanol, USDA

USDA Under Secretary Resigns

Cindy Zimmerman

The exodus of appointees under the Bush Administration has begun. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer today announced the resignation of Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development Thomas Dorr. “Tom Dorr has been a transformational leader for USDA Rural Development,” Schafer said. “As the transition to a new Administration continues in the months ahead, senior leaders will be moving on, but …

Government, News, USDA

Ag Chief Addresses Concerns About Loans to Ethanol Plants

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer met with livestock, dairy, and feed grain organizations on Monday to explain how some rural businesses – including both ethanol plants and livestock industries – may be eligible for the USDA’s Business and Industry Loan Guarantee Program. “We walked through the B&I loan guarantee program, which has been used by their memberships, and we assured them …

Ethanol, Government, livestock feed, News, USDA