Clean Fuels Conference 202

Importance of Biofuels in Rural Revitalization

Cindy Zimmerman

The expansion of biofuels will play a significant role in the revitalization of rural America, according to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. “Why not create biofuel refineries and renewable energy plants that create jobs and markets for a product that otherwise might not be valued as much,” said Vilsack during a Rural Summit in Missouri on Thursday. “Why not …

biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

Ethanol Demand a Topic at Clean Energy Forum

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and other administration officials joined rural stakeholders for a clean energy economy forum at the White House on Wednesday, which was the one year anniversary of President Obama’s Biofuels Directive. “Renewable energy production is a key to sustainable economic development in rural America,” Vilsack said. “We must rapidly escalate the production of biofuels to meet the …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, USDA

USDA Invites Applications for Renewable Energy Funding

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA is seeking applications to increase the production and use of renewable energy sources. Funding is available from four USDA Rural Development renewable energy programs authorized by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Farm Bill). “This funding will help spur investments in technologies that will reduce reliance on fossil fuels, conserve natural resources and help build a sustained …


EPA, USDA Announce Biogas Program

John Davis

Two federal agencies are teaming up to capture the methane U.S. farms produce and turn that greenhouse gas into fuel. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Agriculture have a new interagency agreement that will promote the biogas as a renewable energy source, while cutting those gas emissions from livestock operations. This EPA press release says the agreement is …

biogas, Environment, Government, USDA

USDA Invites Public Comment on Renewable Energy Programs

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is inviting public comment on several proposed rules designed to increase the production of advanced biofuels and the development of biorefineries that were authorized under the 2008 Farm Bill. “We view these proposed rules as part of the strategy to help meet President Obama’s goal to accelerate the commercial production of advanced biofuels and create a …

biofuels, USDA

USDA Experts Say Ethanol Blend Wall is Close

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol is getting very close to hitting the blend wall, according to economists with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. With four months in a row of record ethanol production and stagnant gasoline demand, ethanol stocks are increasing. “Margins have weakened a lot over the last few weeks,” says USDA chief economist Joe Glauber, and indicators are that the blend wall …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

USDA Watching and Waiting on Biodiesel Incentive

John Davis

Federal ag department officials seem to be rooting for renewal of the $1-a-gallon biodiesel tax incentive to finally pass Congress … but no one from USDA is pressuring lawmakers to get the deal done. During yesterday’s event in Hawaii, where the U.S. Navy and USDA pledged to work together to produce more biofuels for the service’s renewable energy goals, reporters …

Biodiesel, Legislation, USDA

USDA Offers Biomass and Bioenergy Funding

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that Fiscal Year 2009 funding is once again available again for three USDA Farm Bill programs to promote increased production of biomass and bioenergy. Applications for the Biorefinery Assistance Program, which uses loan guarantees to develop, construct, and retrofit commercial-scale biorefineries, must be received by June 1, 2010. Applications are also being accepted for …

Audio, bioenergy, biofuels, biomass, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA