Save the date for the Biodiesel and Bioheat Forum taking place August 19, 2015 in Mankato, Minnesota. States up and down the East Coast have ventured into new markets and uses for biodiesel that offer significant potential for Minnesota and U.S. soybean farmers as well as the entire biodiesel industry. One market includes the Bioheat market – nearly 6.2 million …
Camelina Offers Dual-Crop Possibility for Biodiesel
Camelina could help end the food-versus-fuel debate for biodiesel. This article from the American Society of Agronomy says that new research found that growing camelina with soybeans in the Upper Midwest has promising signs. Russ Gesch, a plant physiologist with the USDA Soil Conservation Research Lab in Morris, Minnesota, found encouraging results when growing Camelina sativa with soybean in the …
Soybean Farmers Recognize Biodiesel Board
The people who grow the most popular feedstock for biodiesel are recognizing the board that promotes the green fuel, and in turn, promotes the commodity and a market developer who is helping promote soybeans. The United Soybean Board (USB) recently awarded its Excellence in Oil Award to the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) and its Outstanding Achievement Award to international aquaculture …
Illinois Soybean Growers Launch 20% Biodiesel Club
Soybean growers in Illinois are recognizing fleets in the state that run on a 20 percent blend of biodiesel, B20. This news release from the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) says the group has partnered with the American Lung Association in Illinois to launch the B20 Club. “B20 offers economic and environmental benefits to the fleets that use it, so we …
EPA Delay Continues Uncertainty for Biodiesel
The biodiesel industry and soybean growers weighed in on the EPA decision today to delay 2014 volume requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). “This Administration says over and over that it supports biodiesel, yet its actions with these repeated delays are undermining the industry,” said National Biodiesel Board Vice President of Federal Affairs Anne Steckel. “Biodiesel producers have laid …
NBB: Soy, Livestock and Biodiesel Go Together
As the world celebrated World Food Day yesterday, the folks at the National Biodiesel Board (NBB), along with their friends at the American Soybean Association (ASA), make the case that the biodiesel industry, soybean growers and livestock producers are an important part of the food chain. “The world has a protein gap that needs to be filled,” said American Soybean …
Cavitation Tech Inks Deal for Biodiesel, Food Oil Reactor
Maker of devices and systems for refining edible oils and biofuels, including biodiesel and ethanol, Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CTi) will have one of its reactors installed at a soybean processing plant. The company’s agreement with Desmet Ballestra Group will see CTi’s vegetable oil refining system process approximately 500 tons of soybean oil with full installation and operations coming in 2015. …
B10 Biodiesel Blend in Minnesota a Success
The first summer of Minnesota running a 10 percent biodiesel (B10) mandate is being called a success. The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) says as the state moves back to a B5 mandate over the winter months, the group is celebrating how well the higher blend made mostly from its soybeans went. “The implementation of B10 went very well,” said …
FAPRI: Biodiesel, Ethanol Feedstocks Bigger than Expected
A new report shows that the main feedstocks for biodiesel and ethanol, soybeans and corn, are going to have bigger harvests than previously expected. The Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri says while the big crops will push prices for those feedstocks down – even further down than what was projected just a couple of …
Minnesota “Spills Beans About Biodiesel”
What could be more All-American this time of year than baseball… and biodiesel! This article from the Minnesota Farm Guide says the folks at the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) are combining the two truly patriotic loves during their “Spilling the Beans About Biodiesel” night at the St. Paul, Minnesota Saints baseball game at Midway Stadium on Tuesday, …