USDA Deputy Secretary Steve Censky was presented with the Eye on Biodiesel Pioneer award at the 2018 National Biodiesel Conference Wednesday. As the long-time CEO of the American Soybean Association, Censky was instrumental in the growth and advancement of biodiesel over the years. ASA’s primary focus as an organization is policy development and implementation of soybean farmer issues, including biodiesel. …
Minnesota Moves Forward with B20
In 2005, Minnesota became the first state in the nation to require all diesel fuel to have a blend of at least 2 percent biodiesel, known as B2. Minnesota will once again become a leader when it becomes the first state to implement B20 next year. “This state has been a leader in renewable fuels for the past 30 years,” …
MN Soybean Unveils Minnesota Tough Biodiesel Truck
The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council unveiled a DieselSellerz original biodiesel truck this week at the Minnesota Farmfest. The DieselSellerz is the “world’s largest diesel truck classifieds community,” with a crew that has become known for building and giving away tricked-out diesel trucks, as well as other antics, on the Discovery Channel show “Diesel Brothers.” The crew will be …
Biodiesel Interests Pleased with Senate Bill
The National Biodiesel Board and the American Soybean Association applauded the introduction of a Senate bill this week that would convert the blender’s credit for biodiesel to a $1-per-gallon production credit for fuels produced in the United States for three years and provide an additional 10-cent-per-gallon credit for small producers. “Well-crafted and efficient tax incentives can be powerful policy mechanisms …
USDA Predicts Record Soybean Acres, Less Corn
The first estimate for crop plantings this year by USDA is calling for less corn but more soybeans. According to the 2017 Prospective Plantings report, producers surveyed across the United States intend to plant an estimated 89.5 million acres of soybeans in 2017, up 7 percent from last year and a new record. Planted acreage intentions for soybeans are up …
Celebrating Minnesota Biodiesel Day
March 15 was Biodiesel Day in Minnesota, proclaimed by Gov. Mark Dayton in recognition of the 15 year anniversary of Minnesota’s biodiesel mandate becoming law in 2002. The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) was celebrating yesterday because they helped design that legislation which made Minnesota the first state in the nation to require 10 percent biodiesel, or B10, in diesel …
Soy Growers Honor Jobe for Service
The American Soybean Association (ASA) recognized former National Biodiesel Board (NBB) CEO Joe Jobe with its Special Meritorious Service Award during the recent 2017 Commodity Classic in San Antonio, Texas. “Joe’s commitment and dedication helped build and grow a biodiesel industry that has benefited U.S. soybean farmers and many other agricultural stakeholders,” said ASA President Ron Moore, a soybean farmer …
ASA Director Elected Vice Chairman of NBB
The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) last week elected American Soybean Association (ASA) Board member Mike Cunningham as the new vice chairman of the organization. Cunningham is a farmer from Bismark, Illinois. The agenda included updates on the status of federal and state policy intitiatives, such as the federal biodiesel tax credit and Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), as well as discussion …
#Biobased Petro Alternative from #Soybeans
As companies continue to focus on sustainability and the development of more “natural” products, they are looking to biobased chemicals and products as the platform for more Earth-friendly wares. One example is BioSynthetics Technologies who was featured during the 2016 Biobased Stakeholders Dialogue that recently took place at USDA headquarters in Washington, D.C. The company is a USDA transfer partner …
#Corn and #Soy Groups Testify for #RFS
Leaders for the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and American Soybean Association (ASA) were among the more than 120 who testified at an EPA field hearing in Kansas City in support of statutory volume obligations for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). NCGA president Chip Bowling of Maryland urged EPA to follow the law and finalize the 2017 conventional …