Ethanol Report on Food Price Study

Cindy Zimmerman

The Farm Foundation study on food price drivers released this week in Washington DC was the focus of a forum held at the National Press Club. This edition of “The Ethanol Report” features comments from the Farm Foundation forum and report on “What’s Driving Food Prices?” Featured are Farm Foundation President Neil Conklin, Purdue University economist Wally Tyner, and University …

Audio, Ethanol, Food prices, News, RFA

Good News for Ethanol in OECD Report

Cindy Zimmerman

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report on biofuels policies out this week claims that that biofuel production “has a limited impact on reducing greenhouse gases and improving energy security, and has a significant impact on world crop prices.” However, an analysis of the findings indicates the opposite. According to a review of the report by the Renewable …

corn, Ethanol, Food prices, News, RFA

Poll Finds Bipartisan Support for Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

By a margin of 2 to 1, American voters believe increasing the use of renewable fuels like ethanol should continue, according to a new poll conducted by the Democratic firm of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies. The survey of 1,200 registered voters conducted June 23 – July 1 also revealed that nearly half of …

Ethanol, News, Research, RFA

Organizations Support Ethanol Tariff

Cindy Zimmerman

Seven commodity and ethanol organizations have written a letter to President Bush in support of the secondary tariff on imported ethanol. The groups called attention to the importance of the tariff for the nation’s growing ethanol industry, as well as to the nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security. The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE), Ethanol Producers and Consumers (EPAC), National …

ACE, corn, Ethanol, Government, Legislation, News, RFA

Ethanol Industry Leaders Unite

Cindy Zimmerman

Biofuels groups from the US, Canada, Brazil and Europe put aside their differences this past week to present a united front to world leaders meeting in Japan. This edition of “The Ethanol Report” features an interview with Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen about the input the groups provided to the Group of Eight meeting of world leaders, …

Audio, Ethanol, International, RFA

World Ethanol Leaders Address G8

Cindy Zimmerman

Officials from Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, the European Bioethanol Fuel Association, Brazil’s Sugar Cane Industry Association (UNICA), and the US Renewable Fuels Association have written a letter to the leaders of the G8 nations underscoring the critical importance biofuels play in reducing the growing demand for oil and the corresponding escalation in prices around the world. The letter reads in …

Ethanol, International, News, RFA

Ethanol Groups Working Together

Cindy Zimmerman

The three major ethanol producer groups are working together to combat negative publicity and keep ethanol moving forward. Ethanol Promotion and Information Council Executive Director Toni Nuernberg says the three groups – EPIC, the Renewable Fuels Association, and the American Coalition for Ethanol – complement each other. “All three of us have a roll to play in this industry,” Nuernberg …

ACE, EPIC, Ethanol, FEW, News, Promotion, RFA

Ethanol Industry Urged to Submit EPA Comments

Cindy Zimmerman

Several thousand ethanol industry representatives were urged Tuesday to fight back against the attacks on ethanol in two ways. “One, would be to take pen to paper and write your own op-ed to your local paper and let them know what ethanol means to your company and your local community and begin to fight back,” said Renewable Fuels Association president …

Audio, conferences, Ethanol, FEW, News, RFA

Ethanol Industry Stands up for Farmers

Cindy Zimmerman

The ethanol industry is mad and they’re not going to take it anymore. That’s how BBI International president Mike Bryan summed up his feelings about the attacks on ethanol during the opening general session of the 2008 International Fuel Ethanol Workshop on Tuesday in Nashville. “What bothers me most is the abuse that agriculture is taking,” Bryan said. “We cannot …

Audio, Ethanol, Farming, FEW, News, RFA