This edition of “The Ethanol Report” features comments from the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) “Land Use and Carbon Impacts of Corn-based Ethanol Conference” held August 25-26 in St. Louis. Comments come from National Corn Growers Association Director of Biofuels & Business Development Jamey Cline, NCGA CEO Rick Tolman, North Dakota grower Bart Schott, and Geoff Cooper with the Renewable …

Energy Grants $1.6 Mil for Public Education Efforts
The U.S. Department of Energy has handed out $1.6 million to the Alternative Fuel Trade Alliance… a group made up of the Renewable Fuels Association, the National Biodiesel Foundation, the Propane Education & Research Council, the Clean Vehicle Education Foundation and ASG Renaissance… to boost efforts for a targeted educational plan aimed at Clean Cities Coordinators and related stakeholders. This …
Indirect Land Use Concerns for Ethanol
A conference on land use and carbon impacts of corn ethanol held this week in St. Louis offered a broad view of a significant topic as Washington braces to continue debates on climate change legislation and the future of ethanol. Geoff Cooper with the Renewable Fuels Association moderated the first panel at the conference sponsored by the National Corn Growers …
Ethanol Producers Win IRS Victory
Struggling ethanol producers won an important decision by the Internal Revenue Service this week that allows them to retain the current five year depreciation for assets. Following over a year of intense work by the Renewable Fuels Association with the IRS, the agency has issued a Notice of Proposed Revenue Ruling clarifying that it will not seek to impose a …
Ethanol Report on Blender Pump Initiative
Corn growers and the ethanol industry are teaming up to bring more choices to the consumer at the fuel pump. In this edition of “The Ethanol Report” we hear from representatives of the National Corn Growers Association, the American Coalition for Ethanol and the Renewable Fuels Association about the “Blend Your Own Ethanol” campaign announced this week at the 22nd …
BYOethanol: Press Conference
Unless you haven’t been reading our coverage of the 22nd Ethanol Conference & Trade Show hosted by the American Coalition for Ethanol, you’ve heard by now the news regarding the new blender pump program called BYOethanol. Pronounced “bio,” Blend Your Own Ethanol is a joint campaign between ACE, RFA and NCGA to bring 5,000 blender pumps online throughout the United …
More Corn in the Forecast
Despite a late planting season, farmers are still expected to harvest the second biggest corn crop on record and U.S. corn supplies are projected at a record 14.5 billion bushels. According to the crop report released this morning, USDA is forecasting a 12.8 billion bushel corn crop – just two percent less than the record 2007 crop and five percent …
ACE & RFA Launch National Mid-Level Blend Campaign
The 22nd Ethanol Conference & Trade Show in Milwaukee kicked off with an announcement of the largest ever consolidated effort to install 5,000 mid-level blend, or blender pumps, throughout the country: BYOethanol. I know many of you are envisioning bringing your own ethanol to the upcoming college football tailgate party, but it really means, Blend Your Own Ethanol. The partnership …
Ethanol Welcomed at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
Ethanol was welcomed with open arms at last week’s 69th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota where the Renewable Fuels Association partnered with the popular Buffalo Chip Campground and the Buffalo Chip Gazette to promote the use of ethanol blended fuels as a way to fight dependence on foreign oil. RFA’s Robert White – an avid motorcycle enthusiast – …
BYO Ethanol Initiative Launched
Corn growers and the ethanol industry are uniting to provide consumers with more choices at the pump, gas station owners with more product flexibility, and the nation with the ability to achieve its renewable fuels targets with a new campaign to increase the number of ethanol blender pumps nationwide. The campaign is a partnership between leading corn-producing states, the American …