Changing Tunes on Brazilian Ethanol vs. US Biodiesel

John Davis

A pair of University of Illinois researchers say the reinstatement of the $1 a gallon biodiesel blenders credit has changed the equation back in favor of American biodiesel versus Brazilian ethanol. Back in December and even earlier this month, Darrel Good and Scott Irwin found that Brazilian sugarcane ethanol, which qualifies as an advanced biofuel under the Renewable Fuels Standard, …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, International, News, Research

Photovoltaics Versus Biofuels in Energy Conversion

Joanna Schroeder

How does energy produced by the sun (solar) compete with ethanol in terms of land use, life-cycle emissions and cost? These questions are being asked by University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) Bren School of Environmental Science & Management Professor Roland Geyer. He wants to know what makes more sense, growing fuel crops to supply alternative-fuel vehicles with ethanol or …

Alternative energy, biofuels, Electric Vehicles, Research, Solar

Study Looks at Environmental Benefits of Ethanol

Joanna Schroeder

According to a new study performed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, corn grown using no-till methods may sequester larger amounts of carbon than previously believed. The study was published in BioEnergy Research and showed that corn grown over a 10-year period using no-till practices sequesters carbon in the soil to depths as far as 59 inches under the surface. …

biofuels, Environment, Ethanol, NCGA, Research

Marginal Lands Well Suited for Biomass

Joanna Schroeder

According to an article in Nature, researchers with Michigan State University (MSU) show that marginal lands can serve as prime real estate for meeting alternative energy production goals. By growing mixed-species cellulosic biomass, marginal lands could annually produce up to 5.5 billion gallons of ethanol in the Midwest alone. “Understanding the environmental impact of widespread biofuel production is a major …

advanced biofuels, Alternative energy, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Research

Solar PV Atlas Report Released

Joanna Schroeder

The new report, “Solar PV Atlas: solar power in harmony with nature,” has been released by WWF. The report shows that even if all electricity is generated by renewable energy sources, using solar photovoltaic (PV) alone, it would take only an insignificant amount of total land area. The report shows, through seven cases in six countries and one region, that …

Electricity, Energy, Renewable Energy, Research, Solar

Corn, Ethanol Industries Drive Rural Economy

Joanna Schroeder

According to a new study released by the Missouri Corn Growers Association (MCGA), the state’s corn and ethanol industries are adding to the state’s bottom line. The study, conducted by the University of Missouri Commercial Agriculture Program, reported that the corn and ethanol industries injected $12 billion into Missouri’s economy from 2000 to 2011. Each year, the state’s ethanol industry …

Agribusiness, corn, Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Renewable Energy, Research

What Do People Think About Biofuels?

Joanna Schroeder

What do people in the Southeast think about biofuels? Do they support biofuel ventures? Who will grow the biomass? Will those in established industries fight against it? These are just a few of the questions researchers from the University of Georgia and the U.S. Forest Service are asking as part of studies in locations throughout the Southeast suited for biomass …

bioenergy, biofuels, biomass, Research

USDA Supports Sustainable Bioenergy Production

Joanna Schroeder

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded $10 million in research grants to help develop production of bioenergy and biobased products. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack made the announcement while visiting Michigan State University, one of the grant winners. While there, Vilsack mentioned the growth potential of biobased products as detailed in a recent study by Iowa State University …

advanced biofuels, Agribusiness, bioenergy, biomaterials, Research

66 Projects Receive ARPA-E Funding

Joanna Schroeder

Sixty-six research projects were selected to receive funding from the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E), part of the Department of Energy’s “OPEN 2012” program. The projects, which show fundamental technical promise but are too early for private-sector investment, will receive a combined total of $130 million. The selected projects encompass 11 technology areas in 24 states and focus on a …

advanced biofuels, Alternative energy, energy efficiency, Renewable Energy, Research, technology

ISU Researchers Growing Algae in Poultry Houses

Joanna Schroeder

A research project conducted by several Iowa State University (ISU) researchers is studying the feasibility of growing algae in poultry houses. Poultry manure generates ammonia, a health and safety concern for both animals and workers. Ammonia can burn the eyes, but if released into the atmosphere, could also cause acid rain. But if Honwei Xin, professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering at …

advanced biofuels, Agribusiness, algae, Research