Fat worms confirm are playing a role in improved biofuel and animal feed production. Researchers from Michigan State University (MSU) have successfully engineered a plant with oily leaves, a feat that could improve biofuel production. The research was led by Christoph Benning, MSU professor of biochemistry and molecular biology along with a team from the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center. The …
NASA Researching Alternative Biofuels
NASA researchers are conducting a series of lights using the agency’s DC-8 flying laboratory to study the effects of biofuels on engine performance, emissions and aircraft generated contrails at altitude. The Alternative Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise Emissions (ACCESS) research involves flying the DC-8 as high as 40,000 feet while an instrumented NASA Falcon HU-25 aircraft trails behind at …
RMI Announces Solar Research Project
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) is launching a Simple BoS project, or Balance of Systems, in partnership with Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), to explore the cost divide between the U.S. and Germany for residential solar photovoltaic systems. BoS costs now account for more than 60 percent of the price of U.S. rooftop PV systems, according to RMI, yet such costs …
New Report Shows Wind Energy Continues to Expand
According to a report from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), global installed wind energy capacity increased by 19 percent in 2012 to 282,000 megawatts (MW). Canada remains a global wind energy leader as it experienced the 9th largest increase in installed capacity in 2012 (936 MW). Both China and the United States, the world’s wind energy leaders, installed more …
Plant Breakthrough May Improve Biofuel Processing
There may be a connection between two different types of cell wall glycans (sugars) and specific wall protein known as arabinogalactan protein. The initial discovery was made by Li Tan, who then approached researchers at the University of Georgia (UGA to continue the research. According to Tan and Debra Mohnen, who both work at part of the BioEnergy Science Center, …
Innovative Research From Budding Biodiesel Scientists
During the National Biodiesel Board Conference & Expo, several Next Generation Scientists displayed their biodiesel research through “posters”. These budding scientists are smart, talented, creative and innovative. Did I mention they are innovative? These college students are conducting research that has never been done before and as it moves forward, should help improve biodiesel production. A bit of a plug- …
Clemson’s Biodiesel Guru’s
a href=”http://blog.biodieselconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/nbb-13-clemson1.jpg”>If you have a passion for biosystems engineering and biodiesel then you should consider going to college at Clemson University (or transferring there for your advanced degree). Why? Because three of the coolest biodiesel researchers and innovators are currently working together to advance biodiesel. The biodiesel gurus are all members of Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel (Seriously students, why …
Advanced Biofuels Companies Gaining Momentum
According to new research from Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), dozens of states in the U.S. are now homes to advanced biofuels companies. There are now more than 80 advanced biofuel companies, refineries and related operations located in at least 27 states. Top states are California, with 30 companies, Illinois (8), Colorado (6) Texas (5) and Iowa (4). A searchable map and …
DOE Research: RFS a Proven Economic Success
According to a new article published in the journal Biofuels, the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), is producing significant positive economic effects in the U.S. According to the paper, authored by researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the RFS is reducing crude oil prices, decreasing crude oil imports, increasing gross domestic product (GDP) and having only …
Study: Biodiesel Boosts Revenue for Iowa’s Farmers
A new study released today during the 7th Annual Renewable Fuels Summit quantifies how biodiesel production boosts revenue for Iowa’s crop and livestock farmers. The study’s results demonstrate that when Iowa farmers use biodiesel, they not only positively impact Iowa’s economy, they boost their own bottom line. The study was conducted by John Urbanchuk, an economist with Cardno Entrix and …