Iowa Governor Blasts Ted Cruz Over Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad made national headlines Tuesday at the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit with his comments about presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) during an impromptu press conference. “He is heavily financed by Big Oil,” Branstad said about Cruz. “I think it would be very damaging to our state…and I think it would be a big mistake for Iowa …

Audio, Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, IRFA Renewable Fuels Summit, politics, Wind

Four GOP Candidates Address #Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Four Republican presidential candidates addressed the 10th annual Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit on Tuesday, putting a major national spotlight on the importance of ethanol to the nation. First up was former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, the only candidate who had been there before, making his third appearance to the group. He stressed his long support for the Renewable Fuel …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, Iowa RFA, IRFA Renewable Fuels Summit, politics

President to Discuss Clean Energy in SOTU

Joanna Schroeder

President Obama’s last State of the Union address (SOTU) will take place tonight and one topic on the docket: clean energy. As noted by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), wind energy has led the sector in progress. “This American success story is not only helping us build a better world for our children, it’s also helping consumers save money,” …

Clean Energy, politics, Wind

ACE: Tax Credits Will Increase Cheaper Ethanol Blends

Joanna Schroeder

Last week Congress approved the Omnibus Bill that included tax credit extensions for clean, renewable energy. One of these credits is for retail fuel station owners who buy equipment to offer alternative fuels such as E85. Ron Lamberty, American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) senior vice president and a fuel retailer, says additional ethanol blends  could further increase profitability for retailers. …

ACE, E85, Ethanol, politics, Renewable Energy

Solar Industry Celebrates Passage of Tax Extenders

Joanna Schroeder

The solar industry is celebrating the passage of the tax extenders package on Friday, December 18, 2015 that included several clean energy credits. The omnibus appropriations bill included a 5-year solar investment tax credit (ITC) extension. The 30 percent ITC for solar will be extended for another three years. It will then ramp down to 26 percent in 2020 and …

Clean Energy, Electricity, politics, Solar

Wind Industry Applauds PTC, ITC Extension

Joanna Schroeder

U.S. Congress has voted to extend the wind energy Production Tax Credit (PTC) and Investment Tax Credit (ITC). On Friday morning, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to approve the 2016 spending package and that afternoon, the U.S. Senate followed suit.  As a result, the PTC and alternative ITC, that also includes solar and geothermal energy, will now be extended …

Clean Energy, Electricity, politics, Wind

Is Cruz for or Against Ethanol?

Joanna Schroeder

In Iowa, presidential Republican candidates Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz are leading the polls, but the two are running close. One heated area of debate: renewable fuels. With Iowa the leading state for all things biofuels, voters want a president who will continue to support clean, renewable energy and rural economic development, something Trump as been a supporter and …

biofuels, Ethanol, politics, RFS

Cruz Talks Ethanol at Iowa Event

Cindy Zimmerman

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has gotten a sudden bump in the polls, showing him now leading front runner Donald Trump among committed Iowa caucus goers. On Friday, Trump criticized Cruz’s lack of support for ethanol, but on December 5 the senator appeared at the FreedomWorks Rising Tide Summit in Cedar Rapids and spoke very favorably about …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, politics

Americans United for Change New Climate Video

Joanna Schroeder

COP21 will go down in history as nearly 200 countries came together to reach an historic climate agreement. Despite the efforts, there is still a political contingency of “climate deniers” (check out the Climate Deniers Anthem spoof released by Funny or Die last week) and Americans United for Change noted they will be taking the presidential debate stage tomorrow in …

Americans United for Change, Clean Energy, Clean Power Plan, Climate Change, politics, Renewable Energy, Video