More Biofuels Education Needed

Cindy Zimmerman

Despite the tremendous growth in ethanol and biodiesel production over the past year, consumers still lack a basic understanding of biofuels benefits and availability. That’s the findings of a just-released consumer survey commissioned by Pavilion Technologies and conducted by Harris Interactive. Despite a surge in production and government support, only a fraction of adult drivers in the United States (5%) …

Ethanol, News

Ethanol Offsets Increased Gas Use

Cindy Zimmerman

America used more gasoline in 2006, but that increase was entirely offset by ethanol. According to the American Petroleum Institute’s December 2006 statistics report, gasoline deliveries in 2006 increased a modest 0.8 percent from 2005 to 9.2 million barrels, or 386 million gallons, per day. The year’s higher volume of gasoline deliveries was, in effect, met entirely by a substantial …

Ethanol, News

Smells Like Money

Cindy Zimmerman

This week’s Associated Press Centerpiece report focuses on ethanol plants powered by manure and other waste material. Ranchers have long been fond of saying cattle manure smells like money. Now, folks in the business of making ethanol are smelling dollars too – in the methane gas emitted by manure at large cattle feedlots and dairies. The article looks at several …

Ethanol, News

Higher Corn and Lower Gas Prices Cut Ethanol Profits

Cindy Zimmerman

Financial analysts are predicting dire times for the ethanol boom now that higher corn prices and lower gas prices are putting the squeeze on industry profits. A Reuters UK article quotes from a Credit Suisse report that predicts a lower completion rate for planned ethanol plant projects. “Back in July 2006, a new plant would have commanded returns in the …

Ethanol, News

Making Ethanol From Barley

Cindy Zimmerman

Barley is another crop that has the potential to be part of the next generation of ethanol. North Dakota’s Farm and Ranch Guide reports that it was a topic at last week’s 2007 Dakota Grains Conference in Bismarck. Dr. Kevin Hicks, Agricultural Research Service, new hulless varieties and processing technologies such as pearling may make barley a desired crop for …

Ethanol, News, Research

Who is E85 Inc.?

Cindy Zimmerman

E85 Inc. is a name that has been popping up in cities from New Jersey to New Mexico – a company that reportedly “plans to build a billion-dollar string of ethanol plants.” The Seattle Times did some research to find out who is behind the company and what they hope to accomplish. Mark Dassel, E85’s senior vice president, says there’s …

Ethanol, News

Media Rates Bush Energy Record

Cindy Zimmerman

News coverage in advance of the president’s State of the Union address Tuesday is comparing the rhetoric of last year’s speech to what has really been accomplished so far when it comes to energy independence. The Associated Press reports President Bush is expected to renew concerns about energy security in his State of the Union address. But will the rhetoric …

Ethanol, News

E85 Moves Down Under

Cindy Zimmerman

Saab has become the first car maker to introduce a flex-fuel vehicle in Australia. Saab officials say the BioPower program will help them gauge demand for ethanol powered vehicles and renewable fuels in Australia, even though E85 is not yet commercially available in the country. According to AutoWeb Australia, Saab introduced the vehicles this week at a promotional event in …

Ethanol, News

Three More Ethanol Plants For Iowa

Cindy Zimmerman

A Dallas company plans to built three new ethanol plants in Iowa that could produce up to 300 million gallons of fuel a year. According to the Des Moines Register, Harvest BioFuels LLC is scheduled to begin construction of a plant near Galbraith in eastern Kossuth County in April, with onstruction of plants near Garner in Hancock County and near …

Ethanol, News