A Global Perspective on Ethanol

Chuck Zimmerman

We had a special presentation this morning at the National Ethanol Conference from former U. S. Trade Representative and now partner in the firm of Mayer, Brown, Rowe and Maw LLP, Mickey Kantor. Kantor spoke on the subject of “Understanding Ethanol in a Global Marketplace.” He provided an interesting and at times amusing perspective on the subject. You can listen …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, News

A Rousing Speech From the DOE

Chuck Zimmerman

The Honorable Alexander Karsner, Assistant Secretary of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U. S. Department of Energy, was the keynote speaker at today’s National Ethanol Conference general session. Karsner talks about the unprecedented calls to policy and calls to action and an accelerated time frame when it comes to resolving the issue of our addiction to foreign oil, a term …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, News

The State of the Ethanol Industry

Chuck Zimmerman

The Reverend of Renewable Fuels and the President/CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, Bob Dinneen, gave his annual State of the Ethanol Industry speech this morning here at the National Ethanol Conference. Bob says that “We have met the nattering nabobs of negativity, and we have soared.” In a word, he says the ethanol industry is sound. You can listen …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, News

RFA Chairman Opens Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

The opening general session is in progress here at the National Ethanol Conference. Welcoming everyone was Ron Miller, Chairman of the Renewable Fuels Association. Ron says 2006 was a “year to remember” in the ethanol industry. He remembered the days when the business wasn’t like it is today. He credits much of the success of the industry to the companies …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, News

Aventine Markets for Virgin Ventures

Cindy Zimmerman

Two ethanol plants backed by Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group have joined the marketing alliance of Pekin, Illinois’ Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings, Inc. Aventine will market all of the ethanol produced by Indiana Bio-Energy of Bluffton, Indiana and Ethanol Grain Processors, LLC of Obion, Tennessee when the facilities are completed next year. Both are 100 million gallon per year nameplate …

Ethanol, News

Many Farmers Eye More Ears

Cindy Zimmerman

While U.S. farmers are undoubtedly planning to increase corn acreage this year, the higher prices are exciting farmers outside the country as well. According to this Associated Press report, corn farmers in Mexico and Latin America are gearing up to increase acreage to cash in on the potential for a greater need for corn worldwide as more U.S. corn goes …

Ethanol, International, News

Ethanol Enhances Explorer’s Education Efforts

Cindy Zimmerman

In this edition of “Fill Up, Feel Good” we explore an explorer’s efforts to educate people about global climate change and how ethanol is helping. Artic explorer Will Steger is leading a 1200-mile, four-month-long dogsled expedition across the Canadian Arctic’s Baffin Island. Ethanol plant builder Fagen, Inc., and the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council are the primary sponsors of Global …

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good, global warming, News

Wood Ethanol Could Help Prevent Forest Fires

Cindy Zimmerman

Making ethanol from wood could help prevent forest fires. The Wisconsin State Journal did an interview with Chris Risbrudt, director of the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, about that potential. Risbrudt says ethanol is a possible solution to thinning the smaller trees that lead to forest fires. Q: So U.S. forests need to be thinned? A: Yes. That’s one …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, News

USDA: Biodiesel to See Spike, then Level Off

John Davis

Ethanol is still the king of biofuels in the U.S., but biodiesel is making, and will continue to make, big gains… that’s according to a USDA long-term projection reported on CattleNetwork.com: Biodiesel production capacity and output have increased rapidly in the past 2 years and are projected to rise rapidly again in 2007/08. Slower growth is then projected for several …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, News

How Soon Cellulosic?

Cindy Zimmerman

When cellulosic ethanol will become commercially viable is a big question that has many answers. There are those, for instance, who believe the challenges to making cellulosic commerically viable are too great to be overcome in less than a decade, maybe even two decades. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns says, “You get some difference of opinion, but I really do think …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, News