Ethanol on the Campaign Trail

Cindy Zimmerman

At least three GOP presidential candidates were talking about biofuels on Wednesday. In his campaign kickoff address, Republican Tommy Thompson, former Governor of Wisconsin, noted that his state “saw the promise of ethanol and renewable energy far before it was fashionable.” On the environment and energy, America must become independent in its energy needs and break reliance on foreign oil. …

Ethanol, News

Florida E10 Hold Up

Cindy Zimmerman

Despite the support of Florida’s commissioner of agriculture for biofuels production, despite two recent ethanol history-making races held in the Sunshine State, and despite a new campaign that “Florida Needs Ethanol” – a bureaucratic snag is keeping Marathon Oil from blending and distributing 10 percent ethanol-enhanced fuel in Florida. According to an article in the St. Petersburg Times, Marathon and …

Ethanol, Government, News

Fueling North Carolina’s Future

Cindy Zimmerman

The North Carolina General Assembly is considering a sweeping statewide strategic plan to strengthen North Carolina’s future in biofuels development and use. According to a release from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center: The 16-page document, “Fueling North Carolina’s Future: North Carolina’s Strategic Plan for Biofuels Leadership,” is the culmination of a seven-month process involving more than 70 leaders from across …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, Government, News

Biofuels and Animal Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

Biofuels and their impact on animal agriculture was the main topic at opening general session of the National Institute for Animal Agriculture annual meeting this week in Sacramento, California. The keynote speaker was Bill Jones, chairman of Pacific Ethanol, whose topic was “Corn, Cattle and Carbon Credits – a California Perspective.” “I appreciate the opportunity to speak at this conference …

Audio, conferences, Ethanol, News

Ethanol Continues Record Pace

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association reports that that U.S. ethanol production and demand continue to set records as more Americans are looking to renewable fuels like ethanol to start America down the road of energy sustainability. According to information from the Energy Information Administration and the RFA, production of ethanol in January 2007 averaged 375,000 barrels per day while demand averaged …

Ethanol, News

AFVI Kicks Off in Anaheim

Cindy Zimmerman

The Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute 13th Alternative Fuels & Vehicles National Conference + Expo is underway in Anaheim, California. More than 1250 fleet and industry professionals are there for four days of information and product previews. Fleets were in the spotlight Sunday with workshops on how alternative fuels are being used in private fleets, airport shuttles, school buses, mass transit, …

Biodiesel, EPIC, Ethanol, News

Two Presidents Talk Ethanol Again

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol and trade were the two main topics discussed by the presidents of Brazil and the United States meeting over the weekend at Camp David. “We talked about biofuels,” said President Bush in a joint press conference with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Saturday. “And I told the President that not only are we committed domestically to …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, International, News

More US-Brazil Ethanol Talks

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol will be on the table when Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva meets with President Bush in Washington this weekend. The meeting will be a follow-up to Bush’s visit to Brazil earlier this month and, according to an Associated Press report, Silva “hopes to advance a biofuels alliance and help break a deadlock in world trade talks.” Silva …

Ethanol, International, News

US BioEnergy Posts Earnings

Cindy Zimmerman

US BioEnergy has announced net income of $20.4 million, or $0.41 per share, for the year ended December 31, 2006 and net income of $21.0 million, or $0.36 per share, for the fourth quarter. “This has been a year of significant progress and achievement for our company,” said Gordon Ommen, US BioEnergy president and CEO. “In addition to a successful …

Ethanol, News

Ethanol Demand Drives Planting Intentions

Cindy Zimmerman

As expected, the USDA Prospective Plantings report out Friday morning showed that farmers expect to make a dramatic shift to corn acreage, and away from cotton and soybeans. The main reason – increased demand and higher prices of crops used for bio-fuels. According to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, corn growers intend to plant 90.5 million acres of corn for …

Government, News