Robotic Ethanol Research

Cindy Zimmerman

A robotic arm is providing a helping hand for USDA researchers doing cellulosic ethanol research. The one-armed robot is helping scientists with the Agricultural Research Service in Peoria, Illinois speed studies aimed at harnessing the power of proteins for industrial uses, such as making fuel ethanol from fibrous corn stover. According to an ARS article, the robotic system can carry …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, News, Research

Chavez Shifts Gears on Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Venezuela President Hugo Chavez has appeared to shift his stance on ethanol this week, at least as it relates to Brazil. The Associated Press reports that Chavez is only opposed to U.S. plans to increase production of ethanol made from corn. “We aren’t against biofuels,” Chavez said at a two-day South American energy summit that ended Tuesday. “In fact we …

Ethanol, International, News

Ethanol Fires Back at Stanford Study

Cindy Zimmerman

The ethanol industry is firing back over headlined reports of a Stanford University computer model prediction that indicates “nearly 200 more people would die yearly from respiratory problems if all vehicles in the United States ran on a mostly ethanol fuel blend by 2020.” Officials with the American Coalition for Ethanol stated that, “Air quality has improved in every city, …

Ethanol, News

DOE Funds ADM-Purdue Project

Cindy Zimmerman

A joint bioenergy project of Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) and Purdue University has been selected to receive funding by the U.S. Department of Energy to further the commercialization of cellulosic ethanol. According to a news release, the project is focused on commercializing the use of highly-efficient yeast which converts cellulosic materials into ethanol through fermentation. The development of improved …

Cellulosic, Ethanol, Government, News, Research

Ethanol Plant for BioTown

Cindy Zimmerman

South Dakota-based VeraSun Energy Corp. has officially announced plans to build an ethanol biorefinery in Reynolds, also known as BioTown USA. “VeraSun is making a commitment to Reynolds and the BioTown(TM) project that continues our state’s focus on renewable energy sources,” said Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels in a press release from VeraSun. BioTown USA was launched in 2005 and is …

Ethanol, Facilities, News

AFVi Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

The Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute (AFVi) recently recognized outstanding leadership in the alternative fuels and vehicles industry at the 13th Alternative Fuels & Vehicles National Conference & Expo 2007. General Motors received the Green Award for the “Live Green Go Yellow” marketing and advertising campaign. American Honda was honored with the Green Fleet Award for “leadership and consistency in manufacturing …

Car Makers, conferences, E85, Energy, Flex Fuel Vehicles, News

POET to Open 20th Plant

Cindy Zimmerman

Poet Energy™ is preparing for the grand opening of its 20th ethanol production facility next month in Iowa. According to a company release, the grand opening event for POET Biorefining in Corning, Iowa will be held on May 4. The $105 million ethanol production facility in Corning will be the 20th POET production facility and their seventh in the state …

Ethanol, Facilities, News

Leaders Agree on Biofuels Deal

Cindy Zimmerman

Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Brazil’s Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva apparently put their heads together and worked out a compromise on ethanol at this week’s first-ever South American Energy Summit. Bloomberg reports that South America’s 11 nations have agreed to promote biofuels production to supplement oil output in the region. According to the story, leaders at the Summit, “agreed to …

Ethanol, International, News

Earth Day Specials on Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council reports that the environmental benefits of ethanol will be featured in two upcoming Earth Day special television reports. Ethanol industry representatives, including Dan and Jamie Schwarzkopf of Renova Energy, participated in a feature with Sundance Channel during the Daytona open testing for the IndyCar® Series in Daytona, FL in January. Sundance Channel “Big Ideas …

Ethanol, News

RFA Hires ADM Staffer

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Associationhas hired Kristin Moore as its new Director of Technical Services. Ms. Moore joins the RFA from Archer Daniels Midland where she served as Ethanol Technical Service Representative for the past four years. Her prior experience includes being the Quality Assurance Manager in both wet and dry milling operations at the ADM Decatur and Peoria locations. Ms. …

Ethanol, News