Primus Green Energy is providing financial support to engineers at Princeton University to support research on synthetic fuels including assessments of various gas-to-liquids (GTL) technologies for sustainability and economic viability. Primus’ STG+ technology converts syngas derived from natural gas and/or biomass into drop-in high-octane gasoline and jet fuel with industry-leading process efficiencies. According to the company, the fuels produced from …
Fracking Subject of Next Farm Foundation Forum
Getting natural gas out of the ground, especially by using hydraulic fracturing, better known as “fracking,” has been a hot topic lately, especially in agricultural areas. Our friends at the Farm Foundation will sponsor a free forum to talk about the issue from 9-11 am EDT, Wednesday, April 3, at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C. Issues and policies related …
America Poised to Take Control of Energy Future
According to President Obama, America is poised to take control of our energy future, but this could be compromised due to the arbitrary cuts caused by the so-called “sequestration” now taking place. During his speech last Friday at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois, the President pointed out the cuts would affect the federal research projects, “at a time when …
N.C. Solar Center Receives DOE Grant
The North Carolina Solar Center at North Carolina State University has been awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to expand the use of alternative fuel and advanced vehicle technologies with a $500,000 award for the Alternative Fuel Implementation Team (AFIT) for North Carolina Project. The AFIT project is a two-year collaboration of U.S. DOE designated Clean …
DOE Announces Alt Energy Vehicle Grants
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced 20 new projects to help states and local governments develop infrastructure, training, and regional planning needed to help accelerate the adoption of alternative fuel cars and trucks. These alternative vehicles can run on “fuels” such as natural gas, electricity and propane. In total, the DOE has awarded nearly $11 million. “Building a …
Solar PV Grid Parity Could be Reached in 2013
Solar power is expected to reach grid parity when solar panels can be produced for under $0.70/watt with a total system cost under $2.00. As solar PV costs have been trending downward, grid parity could be reached as early as 2013 if the trend continues. This is according to a new free white paper, “Investing in the Power of the …
Fuel Your Natural Gas Vehicle at Home
The Gas Technology Institute (GTI) is partnering with the Center for Electromechanics at the University of Texas at Austin (UT-CEM) to engineer ways to fuel natural gas vehicles at home. GTI has been focused on making natural gas vehicles more competitive in the marketplace, and last week I brought you the story about how their FuelMule fueled up natural gas …
FuelMule Helps Expand Natural Gas Vehicles
Natural gas vehicles took the stage as part of both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. It is in the news again today with the launch of the FuelMule, a mobile fast-fill compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station. Developed by Gas Technology Institute (GTI), the station allows fleets fueling capability at their home base, or anywhere, without the need to …
Alt Energy Vehicle Roadshow Hits Florida
The Alternative Fueled Vehicle Roadshow is driving into Florida. Sponsored by Clean Cities North Florida, Clean Cities Gold Coast, Clean Cities Tampa Bay and Clean Cities Central Florida, the eight city tour begins on September 18, 2012 and ends on September 27, 2012. During the event, attendees will learn about options for fueling vehicles with alternative transportation fuels rather than traditional gasoline …
Republican Nat’l Convention Fueled with Natural Gas
The upcoming 2012 Republican National Convention being hosted by Tampa, Florida, shuttle buses will be fueled with compressed natural gas (CNG). The buses, coined GOP EZ Shuttles, will be transporting participants to hotels and local attractions. America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) is coordinating with local TECO Peoples Gas and Ultimate CNG to provide the CNG fuel for the shuttles. ANGA says CNG …