Intrexon Corporation has announced that its pilot plant for the production of natural gas-to-liquids is online. Located in San Fransisco, the facility will be producing isobutanol, a drop-in fuel. Intrexon says that isobutanol has several advantages over other biofuels including cleaner burning combustion, less corrosion, more energy content and compatibility with existing pipelines. “Reaching operational status with our pilot plant …

OPIS’ Tom Kloza Discusses Energy Markets
During the 21st Annual National Ethanol Conference (#RFANEC) this week, one of the hot topics was the energy and ethanol market outlooks especially with the low oil prices the globe is currently experiencing. Tom Kloza with the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) offered attendees the outlook for ethanol, oil and natural gas markets in his presentation, “Wronger for Longer – …
Primus Green Produces 100-Octane Gas
Primus Green Energy has achieved a milestone by producing 100-octane gas and methanol from methane and other hydrocarbon gases at its commercial demonstration plant in New Jersey. According to the company, the feat was achieved due to a “breakthrough” improvement to its STG+ technology that enables its plant to produce high-octane gasoline in addition to RBOB gasoline and methanol. The …
New Forest Waste-to-Energy Tech Debuts
G4 Insights has debuted a new technology to convert forest waste into renewable natural gas in Auburn, California. The process converts scraps and small trees from forest thinning projects into biomethane. In it first demonstration, G4 used gas produced onsite to fuel an unmodified Placer County truck. “G4 is pleased to have the opportunity to partner with Placer County, California …
Santa Monica Converts Buses to Natural Gas
The City of Santa Monica, California, is the one of the first municipal transit systems to convert its fleet to renewable natural gas (RNG). This news release from Clean Energy says it is supplying the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to the Big Blue Bus fleet. Big Blue Bus has been fueling its LNG and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fleet of …
Renewables “Rock” U.S. Energy Growth
The SUN Day Campaign’s Ken Bossong, has noted once again that renewable energy sources are dominating the new energy landscape according to the latest “Energy Infrastructure Update” report from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Office of Energy Projects. The reports shows wind and solar accounted for all new generating capacity placed in-service in April. For the month, two “units” …
Biofuels, Nat Gas Boost Nonpetroleum Usage Levels
Petroleum is still tops in transportation fuels, but biodiesel, ethanol and natural gas have taken the biggest bite out of its share since 1954. This report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) says the numbers harken back to when coal-fired steam locomotives were declining and automobile use was growing rapidly. After nearly 50 years of relative stability at about …
Black & Veatch Commission Microgrid
Black & Veatch has commissioned its new microgrid system that provides power to the Rodman Innovation Pavilion located at the company’s Kansas World Headquarters. The microgrid uses a combination of natural gas, solar energy, geothermal and battery storage, and is the first of its kind in the state. It can operate as an independent power source or in support of …
Orlando Home to Clean Energy Fuels CNG Station
A new compressed natural gas fuel (CNG) station has opened in Orlando, Florida installed by Clean Energy Fuels. The station is located at Orlando International Airport and open to the public and will serve a range of vehicles including passenger cars to airport support vehicles to heavy-duty trucks. “With over 57 million tourists annually, Orlando is one of the most …
Today Natural Gas Rush, Tomorrow High Bills
According to a new report released today by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), consumers and businesses are becoming increasingly vulnerable to higher electricity bills due to increased natural gas bills. As such, USC calls for more energy efficiency and renewable energy resources like solar and wind to be integrated into the U.S. grid. This would help insulate against economic …