The Honorable Alexander Karsner, Assistant Secretary of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U. S. Department of Energy, was the keynote speaker at today’s National Ethanol Conference general session. Karsner talks about the unprecedented calls to policy and calls to action and an accelerated time frame when it comes to resolving the issue of our addiction to foreign oil, a term …

The State of the Ethanol Industry
The Reverend of Renewable Fuels and the President/CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, Bob Dinneen, gave his annual State of the Ethanol Industry speech this morning here at the National Ethanol Conference. Bob says that “We have met the nattering nabobs of negativity, and we have soared.” In a word, he says the ethanol industry is sound. You can listen …
RFA Chairman Opens Conference
The opening general session is in progress here at the National Ethanol Conference. Welcoming everyone was Ron Miller, Chairman of the Renewable Fuels Association. Ron says 2006 was a “year to remember” in the ethanol industry. He remembered the days when the business wasn’t like it is today. He credits much of the success of the industry to the companies …
National Ethanol Conference Overview
The National Ethanol Conference is underway in Tucson, AZ. Today is golf tournament day and RFA President and CEO, Bob Dinneen, welcomed everyone before they headed out on the course. I interviewed Bob right before the start to get an overview of what takes place at the annual Conference. One of the things he says that I think is interesting …