It isn’t just the United States that’s in on the ethanol growth wave. According to a story in the Mumbai, India, Financial Express, “India’s demand of alcohol for blending and other purposes is expected to reach 2,300 million litres by 2009-10 at 5% blending level.” That’s about 608 million gallons if I did my math right. (1 litres = 0.264172051 US gallons)

Get Your Ethanol Magnet
How’d you like to show your support for ethanol? You can with a free Ethanol magnet from the Ethanol Promotion & Information Council. All you have to do is visit the website here: Free Ethanol Magnet
Get The Facts About Ethanol
The place to get your facts straight when it comes to ethanol is at Ethanol Facts! This website has been created by the National Corn Growers Association to provide reliable information about this renewable energy source.
World Ethanol Analysis Available From JJ&A
A study was just released recently showing how valuable ethanol is as a fuel source. Has New Design
The Ethanol Promotion & Research Council has a news website.
New Ethanol Plant Planned For Kansas
Texas-based Panda Energy is planning to build a 100-million-gallon fuel ethanol plant in southwest Kansas. What’s even better than the production of domestically-produced fuel is the fact that the plant will use up a problem by-product of cattle feeding in the area!
Welcome To DomesticFuel
Hello and welcome to DomesticFuel, the consumer’s stop for the latest news on ethanol and other alternative fuel sources. Fuel prices are currently soaring and that’s creating a need to find new sources of energy. It’s important to have the facts and make good decisions in light of all the alternatives available. DomesticFuel will strive to bring you the latest news and information in a friendly and conversational way.