“Gamification” is the concept of applying game-design thinking to non-game applications as engaging learning tools, particularly for the younger generation and Novozymes had a great example on display at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop. The Ethanol Challenge game features characters like Alphie the alpha amylase, Glucador the glucoamylase, and a number of enzyme buddies who help them out throughout the …
Lallemand Makes #FEW15 Fashion Statement
Lallemand Biofuels and Distilled Spirits really stood out at the opening of the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop trade show with logo patterned pants that were definitely attention-getting. “We just decided we wanted to try something a little bit different and stand out a little bit,” said Lallemand VP of Marketing Craig Pilgrim, who came up with the idea. “I looked …
Novozymes on #FEW15 Advanced Biofuels Track
Novozymes was first up on the Cellulosic and Advanced Ethanol Track at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop with ways to help first generation biofuels producers take the next leap forward with enzyme technology. “We’ve been looking at how we can take all of our significant efforts in research and development in cellulases and find applications for them,” said Novozymes scientist …
ACE Promotes Power by People at #FEW15
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) team was out in force at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop backed by the Power by People faces of the industry. Something new for ACE this year is a retailer-focused website promoting the whys and hows of moving into flex fuels called FlexFuelForward.com and they were encouraging FEW attendees to check it out and …
Enogen Value Tracker at #FEW15
The color purple is taking on a new significance in the grain world as Syngenta has introduced the Enogen Value Tracker – a naturally derived, non-GMO purple tracer trait designed to simplify grain tracking. Chris Cook, Head of Enogen Stewardship for Syngenta, discussed the Enogen Value Tracker, during an innovation session and tweet chat at the Fuel Ethanol Workshop on …
Novozymes Focused on Solutions at #FEW15
Novozymes has a number of products to help ethanol producers increase profitability but the focus is more on solutions than products. “We have a broad and flexible portfolio but for Novozymes it’s really about the individual customer,” said Peter Halling, Novozymes Senior Director Global Marketing for Biofuels. “Products are an integral part of what we do, the enzyme, but on …
Growth Energy and New Holland at #FEW15
Growth Energy is attracting attention at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop with a beautiful blue New Holland Boomer as a centerpiece. FEW attendees have had the opportunity to register for a chance to win the New Holland Boomer 47 tractor equipped with a 4 cylinder diesel engine and American Ethanol Racing decals, courtesy of New Holland. Growth Energy CEO Tom …
#FEW15 Ethanol Producer Panel Focuses on RVOs
A diverse group of ethanol producer company representatives took the stage Tuesday at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop and much of the conversation centered around reaction to the EPA’s new proposed volume obligations for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Panelists also discussed the industry’s continuing efforts to expand the marketplace for ethanol with higher blends, progress with cellulosic …
EPA Proposal Threatens Advanced Ethanol #FEW15
The executive director of the Advanced Ethanol Council believes the proposed volume obligations under the RFS would have significant ramifications for the industry if not changed before being finalized. “What’s at stake is whether ethanol gets out of its E10 cage,” said Brooke Coleman during the general session of the Fuel Ethanol Workshop on Tuesday, challenging President Obama to make …
RFA CEO Outlines Wrong Moves by EPA at #FEW15
For Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen, the newest proposal for volume obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is just the latest in a series of wrong moves by the Environmental Protection Agency. “There’s something desperately wrong with the EPA,” said Dinneen after outlining more than a dozen ways the agency has worked to undermine the ethanol …