This Saab concept car, which runs on 100 percent ethanol, was unveiled this week at the Geneva Auto Show.

EPA Proposes Equal Treatment for Ethanol Plants
An Environmental Protection Agency proposal would treat ethanol plants the same as corn milling plants for grain when it comes to Clean Air Act standards.
Ethanol Transport Concerns
Transportation issues have been added to the growing list of concerns about how demand for ethanol will be able to be met this year
Mixing Alcohols
A trademarked ethanol cocktail called Ecalene might make a good domestic fuel compromise.
Governors Want More E85 Vehicles
The Governor’s Ethanol Coalition met this week in Washington, DC and passed a resolution urging major auto makers to make more flex-fuel vehicles that can run on 85 percent ethanol.
MO Rally for Ethanol Mandate
Here are some pictures from the “Energy Independence Rally” yesterday at the Missouri State Capitol.
Down Under Moving Midwest
The sudden interest of private companies wanting to invest in ethanol plants is causing some consternation in the midwest.
Things Happen for a Reason
After noon Mass today I happened upon an ethanol rally at the state Capitol.
Fats and Oils in Demand
An economist who makes his living forecasting the future of oils and oilseeds says that the supply of fats and oils in the world is not enough to keep pace with demand.
Duties Call
Demand for ethanol is up and it is becoming evident that domestic production will not be able to supply it all. So, the possibility of lifting the current import duty on ethanol, particularly from Brazil, is being raised in Washington.