Ethanol on “60 Minutes”

Cindy Zimmerman

Pine Lake Ethanol plant in Steamboat Rock, Iowa has alerted us that they will be on “60 Minutes” this Sunday night as part of an ethanol-based story. Dan Rather spent some time with several members of the Board. No word on whether it will be positive or negative – hopefully at least fair and balanced…wait, that’s a different network…


E-Day at Indy

Cindy Zimmerman

The countdown to the 2006 Indy 500 has begun – the first Indy 500 to be run on ten percent ethanol fuel. To get the momentum going, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is holding “Ethanol Day” on Thursday, May 11, featuring Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman. Chuck will be covering that event live, as soon as he gets back from the …

Ethanol, Indy Racing

ACE Says Lifting Tariff Unnecessary

Cindy Zimmerman

In a press release today, the American Coalition For Ethanol also outlined several reasons why suspending the tariff on ethanol will do nothing to lower gas prices. They are simply: Lifting the tariff is unnecessary because significant volumes of ethanol already flow in the U.S. duty-free.under the Caribbean Basin Initiative. Lifting the tariff forces U.S. taxpayers to support the production …


Bush Favors Ethanol Tariff Cut

Cindy Zimmerman

President Bush today came out in support of at least a temporary end to the tariff on ethanol imports, putting the “pro-ethanol” president at odds with the ethanol industry and farm-state lawmakers. In an interview with CNBC, Bush said, “I think it makes sense to — when there’s a time of shortage of a product that’s needed, so that the …

Ethanol, Government

Gov. Wants to Terminate High Gas Prices

Cindy Zimmerman

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is directing his state agencies to fight high gas prices by expanding bio-fuels, according to a release from his office. “It is critical that we do everything we can to reduce our dependence on petroleum-based fuels,” said Gov. Schwarzenegger. “Turning waste products into energy is good for the state’s economy, local job creation and our environment. …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government

Tariff Debate in High Gear

Cindy Zimmerman

Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman sent ethanol stocks down today with comments that the Bush administration is considering lifting import tariffs on ethanol, but ethanol interests were busy out stating their reasons why the tariffs should remain in place. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. John Thune (R-SD) issued a joint statement saying that ending the duty is unnecessary and would …

Ethanol, Government

Don’t Try This at Home

Cindy Zimmerman

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is warning the public not to start their own home ethanol plants. A notice on the TTB website says “it is illegal to distill alcohol without first obtaining a Federal permit” from the TTB. The notice is in response to “several news items on people distilling ethanol at home to supplement …

Ethanol, Government

Billboard Controversy

Cindy Zimmerman

This graphic appeared in the Columbia (MO) Tribune today, with an article claiming the Missouri Corn Growers Association billboards are continuing to “fuel controversy.” According to the article, the Arab American Institute sent a letter to MCGA asking them to take down eight billboards that show an image of the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. MCGA communications director Becky …


Mandatory but Optional?

Cindy Zimmerman

A bill passed this week in the Louisiana House would require a portion of the gasoline sold in the state to include ethanol – but at the same time makes the mandatory sale of alternative fuels optional for some retailers. According to the Shreveport Times, Rep. Mickey Frith, D-Kaplan, a convenience store owner who sells gasoline, got House approval in …


ND Plant Gets Boost

Cindy Zimmerman

According to an AP story in the Grand Forks Herald, a proposed $350 million ethanol plant and coal-fired steam plant is getting a boost from a local economic development group. The Jamestown-Stutsman Development Corp. is investing $6 million in the effort – a $4 million grant over 3 1/2 years and the purchase of $2 million in Spiritwood Energy LLC …

Ethanol, Facilities