From Phoenix To Indy

Chuck Zimmerman

EPICI know that Cindy already mentioned this but I’m getting ready to leave one alternative fuel event for another one. The Clean Cities Congress is over but tomorrow is “Ethanol Day” in Indianapolis.

EPIC, Ethanol

Pineapple Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

A Florida-based company is working to make ethanol from pineapples. Biomass Resources Corporation of Boca Raton reportedly has “achieved initial success at extracting Ethanol from pineapple fruit and pineapple plant waste,” according to a news release. Initially, the company is focusing on the pineapple industry for its production, and has established a 5,000 sq. ft. R&D and production facility outside …

Cellulosic, Ethanol

Catalytic Conversion Could Make Ethanol Cheaper

Cindy Zimmerman

Lowering the cost of ethanol production is the goal of Syngas International, a Canadian alternative energy technology corporation. The company hopes to do that by by replacing corn with less-expensive cellulose-based feed stocks and using its “M2 gasifier and PyStR system,” with is catalytic conversion as opposed to fermentation. According to a news release, “cellulosic feed stocks include agricultural wastes, …

Ethanol, Research

Green Grand Prix

Cindy Zimmerman

Increased awareness of domestic fuel alternatives is helping organizers of the 2nd Annual Green Grand Prix to be held in Watkins Glen, NY on June 2. The Green Grand Prix features a road rally of Hybrid and Alternative Fueled Vehicles held on an 84-mile course following the perimeter of beautiful Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New …

EPIC, Ethanol, Indy Racing, Racing

Ethanol Plants in NY, LA and IA

Cindy Zimmerman

Governor George E. Pataki announced nearly $6 million in State funding to assist Western New York Energy in the development of the first state-of-the-art dry mill ethanol plant in New York State. The $87.4 million facility is to be located on 144 acres in the Town of Shelby, Orleans County. BioEnergy International, a privately held, biotechnology company headquartered in Norwell, …

Ethanol, Facilities, Production

Good Time For Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

The folks at the Clean Cities Congress must be loving CBS. The ethanol industry could hardly have written a better story for itself than “60 Minutes” did tonight. Amazingly, it was all positive – not a discouraging word was heard. Maybe it was because Dan would rather make “Big Oil” look bad than Iowa ethanol farmers. Rather seemed to take …

Clean Cities Congress, Ethanol