The latest “Fill up, Feel Good” podcast features several people who took part in last week’s “Ethanol Day” at the Indianapolis Speedway. Among them are Indy Car drivers Danica Patrick and Jeff Simmons, U.S. Secretary of Energy Sam Bodman, ethanol hot rod racer Mark Thomas, and EPIC president Tom Branham. The “Fill up, Feel Good” podcast is available to download …

Green Star Plans BioRefineries
Green Star Products, Inc. has announced plans to construct facilities for the production of both biodiesel and biomass ethanol, according to a press release. The first facility is planned for North Carolina, the second location is yet to be announced but the company says it will be somewhere in the northwestern US. Each GSPI-designed Bio-Refinery will have a start-up production …
Indy Driver Likes Ethanol
At last week’s Ethanol Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway I got to meet Danica Patrick, one of the drivers for Rahal-Letterman Racing. Team Ethanol is a big sponsor of the team and Jeff Simmons drives the ethanol-wrapped car. But I wanted to find out what his teammates think of this new fuel they’re putting in their cars this year.
Home Stills Selling Like Hot Cakes
We got a couple of comments about this company when I did the post about The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) warning not to make ethanol at home (see previous post). Dogwood Energy claims that it is “perfectly legal to own and operate an ethanol still on your property, provided that you are using it ONLY to …
Will NASCAR Climb Aboard the Ethanol Train?
If the IRL does it, why not NASCAR? That’s the question some are asking, some even urging NASCAR to make the switch to ethanol, according to this article. SI seems to think if Jeff Gordon used ethanol it might make even more folks sit up and take notice. General Motors is actively encouraging NASCAR to make the switch.
Coast to Coast Ethanol Plant News
US BioEnergy and Big River Resources of West Burlington, IA are joining forces to build a 100 million gallon per year (mgy) dry grind ethanol facility near Grinnell, Iowa, according to a company release. A proposed Florida ethanol plant is facing opposition, according to an article on The proposed $80 million plant, a project of Gate Petroleum in Jacksonville, …
News Briefs
I have been letting Chuck do the talking this week covering Clean Cities and Ethanol Day. Now it’s time to catch up on some Domestic Fuel news: Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) announced a new biofuels policy in the Senate, while House Ag Democrats unveiled a comprenesive biodiesel energy package. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest price forecast for corn predicts …
Farmer, Racer, Ethanol Supporter
Being a farmer today has its challenges. Being a farmer and a funny car driver simply magnifies those challenges. Mark Thomas is up to the challenge though. He is also one of the biggest proponents of ethanol you’re going to find anywhere.
Ethanol Flood
The World Bank is being “flooded” with requests to fund ethanol projects worldwide, according to a report from Reuters. The article says that requests are coming from countries such as “Mali, Guatemala, Honduras, the Philippines, Colombia, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Mozambique, Tanzania, Egypt and Turkey,” and that “inquiries have increased since President Bush last week called on the U.S. Congress …
Energy Secretary Press Conference
Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman held a press conference here at Ethanol Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.