Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Groups Working Together

Cindy Zimmerman

The three major ethanol producer groups are working together to combat negative publicity and keep ethanol moving forward. Ethanol Promotion and Information Council Executive Director Toni Nuernberg says the three groups – EPIC, the Renewable Fuels Association, and the American Coalition for Ethanol – complement each other. “All three of us have a roll to play in this industry,” Nuernberg …

ACE, EPIC, Ethanol, FEW, News, Promotion, RFA

Team Ethanol at the FEW

Cindy Zimmerman

Visitors to the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop this week in Nashville had a chance to meet Indy car champion and Team Ethanol car owner Bobby Rahal of Rahal Letterman Racing in an appearance sponsored by ICM, Inc. With a model of the Number 17 Team Ethanol car behind him, Rahal chatted with ethanol industry representatives about the season so far …

EPIC, Ethanol, FEW, Indy Racing, News

Ethanol Racing Again at Iowa Corn Indy 250

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like the flooding in Iowa has not affected things at the Iowa Speedway where I’m headed this afternoon for pre-race activities for this weekend’s Iowa Corn Indy 250. Iowa’s flooding disaster is not directly affecting scheduled events for the IndyCar Series weekend, June 20-22, at Iowa Speedway. The facility has immediate access to I-80 and is located on …

EPIC, Ethanol, Indy Racing, News, Racing

Moving Beyond 10 Percent Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Moving beyond ten percent ethanol offers both opportunities and challenges for the industry. On a panel addressing the issue at the 2008 Fuel Ethanol Workshop Tuesday was Robert White with the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC). White has spearheaded the nationwide pump branding and E85 program for EPIC and he talked about some of the success stories they have …

Audio, E85, EPIC, Ethanol, FEW, News

FEW Welcome

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2008 International Fuel Ethanol Workshop is getting started in Nashville and is expected to attract some 4,000 visitors from around the globe. This is the 24th year for the event that started out with just a few dozen dreamers. The FEW this year will offer 23 technical workshops on topics such as cellulosic ethanol, non-food feedstocks, water utilization and …

Cellulosic, conferences, EPIC, Ethanol, FEW, News, RFA

High Fuel Prices Drive Support for Ethanol

John Davis

American motorists are rethinking their driving habits. That is, according to a new survey commissioned by the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council. The survey shows that consumers think skyrocketing gas prices means the nation should start moving away from oil. The EPIC survey found 47 percent of those polled stated that a fuel price below $5 a gallon should be …

E85, EPIC, Ethanol, News, transportation

EPIC Unveils Mascot Edgar the E Man

Chuck Zimmerman

At today’s Annual Meeting EPIC unveiled Edgar the E Man. He’s the official mascot of EPIC and available to members for appearances at events. I got Reece Nanfito, EPIC Director of Marketing to take my picture with Edgar. The Kansas and South Dakota Corn Growers submitted the winning names which have been combined to become his official name. EPIC held …

EPIC, News

EPIC Keynote Speaker Dr. Robert Zubrin

Chuck Zimmerman

The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council Annual Meeting is underway with keynote speaker, Dr. Robert Zubrin, on stage. He’s the author of Energy Victory and we’ve featured an interview with him here on Domestic Fuel previously. This is the first large scale annual meeting of EPIC and well over 100 members are in attendance. The meeting allows them to hear …

EPIC, Ethanol, News