Florida Biofuels Boost

Cindy Zimmerman

New proposed motor fuel rules for Florida could be just the ticket to boost ethanol blends in the country’s third largest gasoline market. Reuters reports that the proposed rules are the result of a hearing held in October at the urging of the ethanol industry and several oil companies to relax the state rules that had discouraged refiners from adding …

Energy, Ethanol, News

Happy ReNEWable Fuels Year

Cindy Zimmerman

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 will get the new year underway with a burst of renewable fuels. The bill, signed by President Bush on December 19, includes an expanded Renewable Fuels Standard that requires significant development of other feedstocks to produce ethanol. This edition of “Fill up, Feel Good” features comments by President George W. Bush, EPIC …

Audio, Energy, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good, RFA

Cheaper Biomass Power in Alabama

John Davis

More power customers in Alabama soon could be enjoying lower power bills, thanks, in part, to a decision by that state’s public service commission to approve a renewable energy rate decrease. This story in Birmingham (AL) Press-Register says the decrease will go to customers who support what has been an obscure program to support an Alabama Power Company coal/biomass project …

Energy, Miscellaneous

The Year of Ethanol

John Davis

The ethanol industry has come a long way this year and a large part of the renewable fuel’s success is unquestioningly a result of the concentrated efforts of the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council. Looks like all that hard work paid off. Agrimarketing magazine named ethanol the Agrimarketing Product of the Year. EPIC’s Reece Nanfito says the late accomplishments of …

Audio, Energy, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good

VeraSun Gets Two For One

John Davis

VeraSun Energy has broken ground on a new Oil Extraction Facility in Aurora, South Dakota. The new facility will use technology that enables the large ethanol producer to generate two renewable fuels from one kernel of corn. VeraSun Energy Corporation, one of the nation’s largest ethanol producers, today announced that it began work on an oil extraction facility at its …

Agribusiness, Biodiesel, Energy, Facilities, News, Production

Energy Bill Signed

Cindy Zimmerman

President George W. Bush today signed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and ushered in a new era in the way America produces and uses energy. Bush says the new law is “a major step toward reducing our dependence on oil, confronting global climate change, expanding the production of renewable fuels and giving future generations of our country …

Biodiesel, Energy, Ethanol, Legislation, News

President Prepares to Sign Energy Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

President George W. Bush is expected to sign the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 into law on Wednesday, after passage of the Senate bill by a vote of 314 to 100 in the House today. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called the bill “groundbreaking in what it will do.” The bill makes the first statutory increase …


Western Wind Brings Solar Power to Cali and Canada

John Davis

Western Wind Energy has partnered with Solon America Corporation to develop solar power for California and Ontario, Canada. Western Wind’s subsidiary Solargenics Inc. will work with Solon American Corporation, a subsidiary of Solon A.G. in Germany. Western and Solon will cooperate and combine their respective capabilities to enable the development of 5 to 40 megawatts of photovoltaic – solar energy …

Energy, International, Solar, Wind

Primafuel Named 2008 Technology Pioneer

John Davis

Primafuel is the leader of the pack when it comes to bio energy innovation. The California-based biofuels technology and infrastructure innovator has been named the 2008 World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer. WEF Technology Pioneer awards are given to companies developing and applying highly transformational and innovative technologies in the areas of energy, biotechnology and health, and IT. The Technology Pioneer …

conferences, Energy, Promotion

DOE to Capture CO2 from Coal Power Plants

John Davis

Powerspan Corp has unleashed new technology to capture carbon dioxide from coal-fueled power plants. Powerspan, a clean energy technology company, owns the exclusive rights to this breakthrough in coal-based energy production. Powerspan Corp. has exclusively licensed a patent to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from conventional coal-fueled electric power plants. Patented by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology …

Energy, Research