UOP Breaks Ground on Hawaii Cellulose Plant

Joanna Schroeder

UOP, a honeywell company, has broken ground on a biofuels demonstration plant in Hawaii that will convert forest waste, algae and other cellulosic biomass to fuel. The project is being helped along by a $25 million U.S. Department of Energy grant. The project will help meet federal biofuel mandates as well as help Hawaii reach its clean energy goals of …

advanced biofuels, algae, biofuels, biomass

Abengoa Gets DOE Loan Guarantee for US Biomass Plant

Cindy Zimmerman

Abengoa Bioenergy has been selected by the US Department of Energy for a $133.9 million federal loan guarantee to build a new generation commercial scale biorefinery facility to produce renewable liquid fuel from plant fiber, or cellulosic biomass. With the offer of a conditional commitment now received, Abengoa Bioenergy has announced that they intend to start construction shortly on the …

biofuels, biomass, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News

POET Forms Biomass Alliance with Earth Partners

Cindy Zimmerman

POET announced a new alliance this week with The Earth Partners to develop “a sustainable supply of biomass that helps restore degraded land.” The project, called Conservation Biomass, will initially be used for heat and power generation and eventually liquid fuel production. As part of their ongoing ecological restoration work, The Earth Partners will work with farmers and conservation property …

bioenergy, biomass, POET

DOE Updates Billion Ton Study

Joanna Schroeder

The Department of Energy (DOE) has concluded its Billion Ton Study that was first conducted in 2005. This new version of the report confirms that America has ample biomass resources including grasses, ag wastes, and wood wastes among others to meet America’s national renewable fuel goals. One goal of the study was to assess the amount of biomass available that …

biofuels, biomass, Research

Renewable Energy Predicted to Grow Despite Economy

Joanna Schroeder

A new report commissioned by Paris-based Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) shows that the renewable energy sector continues to perform well despite the continuing economic recession, incentive cuts and low natural gas prices. In fact, “Renewables 2011 Global Status Report” calculates that renewable energy supplied around 16 percent of global final energy consumption and accounted for …

biomass, Electricity, Energy, Hydro, Solar, Wind

Illinois Biomass Working Group Formed

Joanna Schroeder

The state of Illinois has formed the Illinois Biomass Working Group (IBWG) to study near-term uses for biomass in Illinois. The team is comprised of academics, government, industry and the private sector. Ted Funk, an Extension specialist in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Illinois is one of the founding members and saw the need …

biomass, Electricity, Research

USDA Announces Biomass Production Projects

Cindy Zimmerman

More biomass production projects have been announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, keynoting the Department of Energy Biomass 2011 conference today, announced the creation of four additional Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) project areas in six states to expand the availability of non-food crops to be used in the manufacturing of liquid biofuels. Two of …

biomass, USDA

DOE Biomass Conference This Week

Cindy Zimmerman

Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will keynote the Department of Energy 4th annual Biomass Conference on Tuesday. This year’s conference, Biomass 2011, will focus on topics surrounding the use of biomass as a replacement for petroleum to supply the energy, products, and power markets. The Biomass 2011 theme will explore the new horizons of bioenergy technologies …

biomass, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government, POET

Eco-Car Fueled by Cellulosic Ethanol Sets Record

Joanna Schroeder

Cellulosic ethanol has achieved a victory. The Dynamo, a concept car created by a student team called the Roadrunners, and fueled by ethanol made from straw, won the Urban Concepts class of the 2011 Shell eco-marathon in Europe. In tandem to the win, the car set a new miles per gallon record of 1,197 (509 km/1) when adjusted for energy …

biofuels, biomass, Cellulosic, Ethanol, International

Farmers Participate in Rural Champions of Change

Joanna Schroeder

Last week leaders from rural communities met with President Obama along with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, as well as the president’s Domestic Policy Adviser Melody Barnes as part of the White House Rural Champions of Change roundtable. One of the attendees was Eric Rund a farmer from Pesotum, Illinois. He is also the CEO of Green Flame Energy. He was …

Agribusiness, bioenergy, biofuels, biomass