Biofuels stakeholder organizations have submitted final comments on the proposed Renewable Fuel Standards for 2023, 2024, and 2025 to the Environmental Protection Agency prior to the deadline on February 10. The Renewable Fuels Association said the proposed renewable volume obligations for 2023-2025 will bolster the Renewable Fuel Standard and provide for sustainable growth in low-carbon renewable liquid fuels. “Moving forward, …

Illinois Passes Sustainable Aviation Fuel Tax Credit
Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed a package of tax and revenue changes for the state which includes the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) purchasers credit. The bill creates a $1.50 per U.S. gallon SAF tax credit airlines can use to satisfy all or part of their state use tax liabilities. Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG) Vice Chairman Ron Kindred says the credit …
Shell and S&W Partner for Sustainable Biofuel Feedstocks
S&W Seed Company and Shell Oil Products have agreed to establish a joint venture to develop and produce sustainable biofuel feedstocks called Vision Bioenergy Oilseeds LLC, which will be jointly owned by the two companies. The venture intends to develop Camelina and other oilseed species from which oil and meal can be extracted for future processing into animal feed, biofuels, …
DOE Awards $118 Million for Domestic Biofuel Production
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) last week announced $118 million in funding for 17 projects to accelerate the production of sustainable biofuels for America’s transportation and manufacturing needs. “Biofuels are a versatile tool because they have the immediate potential to power our ships, trains, airlines and heavy-duty vehicles—a huge contributor to total carbon emissions—with a significantly reduced carbon footprint,” …
Clean Fuels 101 Sets Up Inaugural Conference
The first ever Clean Fuels Conference being held this week in Tampa had a pre-event session to cover the basics of just what clean fuels are and how market factors have driven the industry beyond biodiesel and into renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel to become “United as ONE.” Jonathan Martin, Director of Economics & Market Analytics for Clean Fuels …
US Ethanol Stands Out at India Auto Expo
The U.S. ethanol industry was in the spotlight last week at the India Auto Expo in New Delhi which featured an Ethanol Pavilion for the first time. The Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), the nation’s auto manufacturers organization, has partnered with the U.S. Grains Council to help support the implementation of ethanol across the country. The Grains Council, along …
Yield10 and Mitsubishi Partner for Camelina Biofuel
Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. and Mitsubishi Corporation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) to evaluate the establishment of a partnership to supply, offtake and market Camelina as a low-carbon feedstock oil for biofuels. Mitsubishi Corporation recently announced its aim to mass produce sustainable aviation fuel to decarbonize commercial aviation. Under the MOU, the companies plan to jointly undertake a feasibility …
Clean Fuels Conference United as One
“United as One” is the theme of the inaugural Clean Fuels Conference, January 23-26, 2023 in Tampa, Florida where the role of biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel in the national commitment to decarbonization will take center stage Formerly the National Biodiesel Conference & Expo, the event’s rebranding reflects the founding organization’s name change last year from the National …
Biofuels Groups Provide Comments on RFS Proposal
Biofuels groups offered testimony to the Environmental Protection Agency Tuesday during a virtual public hearing for the proposed rule to establish required Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volumes and percentage standards for 2023-25. “Overall, we believe the proposed ‘Set’ rule establishes a firm foundation for the future of the RFS and creates a pathway for sustainable growth in the production and …
MN Bio-Fuels Releases 2022 Annual Report
The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) recently released its 2022 Annual Report to its members. “As the critical need to decarbonize transportation, reduce dependence on imported oil, and save consumers money at the pump grows, the leadership opportunities for biofuels grow, too. That’s why I was glad to join with our members and supporters at our annual report event to …