More Terminals Offer Pre-Blended Biodiesel

Cindy Zimmerman

Petroleum terminals in Texas, New York and Michigan have announced the availability of pre-blended biodiesel within the last month, according to a release from the National Biodiesel Board. Distribution Drive, a wholly owned subsidiary of Earth Biofuels, Inc. and Motiva Enterprises, an oil company headquartered in Houston, Tex., announced Monday that the Motiva Enterprises terminal in Dallas will now offer …


Washington State Adopts Biodiesel Requirement

Cindy Zimmerman

This week, Washington became the second state “to commit to making biodiesel an everyday part of the diesel fuel market.” According to a release from the National Biodiesel Board, Washington passed a bill that “sets a requirement that at least 2 percent of diesel sales by volume will be comprised of biodiesel, with 2 percent ethanol in the gasoline market.” …


Second MS Biodiesel Station Opens

Cindy Zimmerman

Celebrities and lawmakers gathered ’round the pump this week for the opening of the second Earth Biofuels “BioWillie” filling station in Mississippi. According to a press release, among those in attendance was actor and Earth Biofuels board member Morgan Freeman. Also on hand was Mississippi state senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, who stated, “I cannot think of anything better we can do …


E85 Finally Fuels Fleet

Cindy Zimmerman

All good things take time. In the case of the city of St. Paul, it took nine years for them to find a reliable source to fuel their fleet cars that can run on 85 percent ethanol. According to this article from the St. Paul Pioneer Press, they “recently struck a deal with the University of Minnesota to buy E85. …

Biodiesel, Ethanol

Biodiesel Living the Jeep Life

Cindy Zimmerman

We have a picture now to identify posts from contributing blogger JW. Jeep has announced that their new Liberty CRD (Common-Rail Diesel) has surpassed 10,000 vehicles sold in just under 2 years on the market, doubling the estimated production. I was excited when I first heard about this vehicle, as I’ve known that a diesel engine is more efficient and …


Ask for Biodiesel

Cindy Zimmerman

Here’s today’s post from contributing blogger JW: Because I like to practice what I preach, I stopped in my local MFA BreakTime about three weeks ago and dropped off a letter asking them to sell biodiesel. In that request, I pledged to purchase all my fuel there if they were to offer it. Curious to see what they thought, I …


Restaurant Chain Recycling Cooking Oil to Biodiesel

Cindy Zimmerman

Northwest-based restaurant chain The Holland, Inc. is sending off it’s used cooking oil to be converted into biodiesel. According to a company release, all 39 Burgerville locations throughout the Pacific Northwest will have their used cooking oil picked up by Portland-based MRP Services and taken to a processing plant where the oil is transformed into methyl esters (biodiesel) and glycerin …


Domestic Fuel High

Cindy Zimmerman

Here’s the latest post from contributing blogger JW: You’ve seen here that switchgrass holds enormous potential as a domestic fuel. It’s not the only kind of grass that does. Hemp is another native plant that can produce both ethanol and biodiesel. Industrial hemp contains less than 3% of the physcoactive properties of it’s popular cousin, marijuana. There are political and …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Miscellaneous

Happy Birthday, Rudolf

Cindy Zimmerman

Today is St. Patrick’s Day – tomorrow is St. Diesel’s Day. Well, he hasn’t actually been canonized yet – at least not by the Pope, but maybe by the Biodiesel industry. March 18 is the fifth annual National Biodiesel Day, celebrated on the birthday of Rudolf Diesel – inventor of the diesel engine. According to a press release from the …
