The California Highway Patrol was a big part of our day. The main man was Lt. Avery Brown who’s helping coordinate everything and they have a lot of assets involved in tomorrow’s kickoff. He says that about 75 CHP personnel will be involved and that doesn’t count San Francisco police.

Operation Interdependence
We have a lot of participants in this AASHTO Interstate Convoy and I’ll be featuring them as I have time during the trip. One of them that we learned about this morning is Albert Renteria, founder and president of Operation Interdependence.
The Army Will Lead The Way
In 1919 Lt. Col Eisenhower (later to become President of the USA) made a cross country trip with primarily military participants. It showed the need for a good system of roads in this country which became the interstate system. Our commemorative journey in the reverse direction w
E85 Observations from the Road
I’m not the only one writing about ethanol on the road. So is Rick Tolman, CEO of the National Corn Growers Association. Rick’s posting some road commentary on E85 which you can find on this page. It’s not quite blogging but it’s close. Here’s an excerpt from his last post:
Prepping For The Cross Country Convoy
Hello from San Francisco. I know I said I’d start blogging the AASHTO 50th Anniversary of the Interstate event tomorrow but things got kicked off today. Right now those of us participating in the convoy that will take off Friday are getting prepped by Sunny Schust, director of communications for the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO). She …
The Race Is On
The race has started. After the first lap we had a two-car accident but no injuries and car #17 is looking good right now. After this post I won’t do any until after the race.
Pit Activity
Steve Dixon is the Team Manager for the Ethanol Car out here in the pits.
MFA Oil And Mid Missouri Energy
The big announcement from MFA Oil and Mid Missouri Energy was made this morning as we reported earlier this week.
Buddy Rice Remarks
The 2004 Indy 500 winner is the third Rahal-Letterman team driver. He’s Buddy Rice and he addressed the Ethanol Summit yesterday.
Carb Day Practice Laps
It’s Miller Lite Carb Day at the track. For an hour this morning all the cars in the race Sunday got to put in some laps.