CA Highway Patrol Escorts

Chuck Zimmerman

Avery BrownThe California Highway Patrol was a big part of our day. The main man was Lt. Avery Brown who’s helping coordinate everything and they have a lot of assets involved in tomorrow’s kickoff. He says that about 75 CHP personnel will be involved and that doesn’t count San Francisco police.


The Army Will Lead The Way

Chuck Zimmerman

Army ParticipantsIn 1919 Lt. Col Eisenhower (later to become President of the USA) made a cross country trip with primarily military participants. It showed the need for a good system of roads in this country which became the interstate system. Our commemorative journey in the reverse direction w


Prepping For The Cross Country Convoy

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from San Francisco. I know I said I’d start blogging the AASHTO 50th Anniversary of the Interstate event tomorrow but things got kicked off today. Right now those of us participating in the convoy that will take off Friday are getting prepped by Sunny Schust, director of communications for the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO). She …
