Season Greetings from ETA Florence
Season greetings from our friends at ETA Florence, your partner in renewable energies.
Seed Industry Challenges
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s the biggest challenge for the seed industry?” All of agriculture depends in some way on seed. The long term survival of the seed industry impacts everything. It looks like you think anti-GMO attitudes have the greatest negative impact on the seed industry. Environmental regulations came in with a close second. Here are the …
What’s the Biggest Challenge for Seed Industry?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How should Congress handle tax breaks?” Congress is once again considering a package of tax breaks for businesses and individuals that include everything from section 179 deductions to renewable energy tax credits. An overwhelming majority believe a flat tax is the answer. Will Congress think the same? Making tax breaks permanent and not allowing …
Tax Breaks – How Should Congress Handle?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side dish?” I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with plates piled high of your favorites. I know I am still stuffed. It looks like our Zimmpollers prefer sweet potatoes, but only slightly. We did have quite an array of Others including oysters and some Pinot Noir. Here are …
Big Data Coalition May Ease Privacy Concerns
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Do you think the new coalition agreement addresses ag data privacy concerns?” Time will tell if the big data coalition will ease the minds of concerned growers when it comes to privacy and security issues. However, the majority of those polled feel that the agreement addresses these ag data issues. We for sure will …
Will Big Data Coalition Ease Grower Concerns?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How do you feel about election results?” It looks like the majority polled are very happy with our recent election results. And many are optimistic. Time will tell. Here are the poll results: Very happy – 47% Very unhappy – 20% Cautiously optimistic – 22% Don’t care – 11% Our new ZimmPoll is now …
How Do You Feel About Election Results?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Where are the best future jobs in ag?” The 87th National FFA Convention is a wrap, but FFA members will continue to be leaders in agriculture and will soon be filling these careers in agriculture. Biosciences looks to take the lead when it comes to future jobs, but the ag community just isn’t complete …
ZimmPoll on Best Future Jobs in Ag
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What should US do about WTO COOL ruling?” The industry has reacted to the World Trade Organization (WTO) decision against the United States on the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) law since the announcement was made earlier this week. Some feel the issue can be handled by USDA, others feel Congress should take charge. …
No Doubt RFS Uncertainty Impacts Local Communities
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Has the uncertainty for the RFS caused by the EPA hurt your community?” No doubt the uncertainty for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) caused by the EPA has hurt many of our communities. This unpredictability has been around over a year and has left many wondering what the final renewable fuel volumes will be. …