Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Which potential presidential candidate would be best for ag?” Of the 12 potential presidential candidates included in our poll, only one has officially declared. But two hopefuls have risen to the top of our poll. It seems many believe Hillary Clinton and Scott Walker might have the best interest of agriculture in mind, if …

Majority Urge Congress to Grant TPA
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Should Congress grant TPA?” As Congress still considers granting Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to our President, we asked what you thought on the issue. It looks like an easy majority believe it should be granted, however there are still a few in agricultural circles that question it. Hopefully, we will soon have a decision …
Do You Agree With Government Controlled Internet?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think of proposed government control over the internet?” It has been called net neutrality or open internet but now it should be called government controlled internet. In a vote along partisan lines the FCC last Thursday passed sweeping changes in how it will be regulating the internet. Basically, they are treating …
Many Still in Quandary Over Crop Insurance
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Which crop insurance option will you be choosing?” It is evident that many farmers across the country still do not understand the crop insurance options offered in our recent farm bill and deciding has become a chore. However, the majority of those who took our poll and have made a decision have selected agriculture …
Top 10 Tractors of All Time
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Farm & Ranch Magazine compiled a list of the Top 10 Tractors of All Time. Which is your favorite?” Farm & Ranch Magazine gave us a long list of classic tractors to select from and it is clear we all have our favorites. However, the rising star in our poll was the John Deere …
Do You Have an All Time Favorite Tractor?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your favorite Super Bowl party food?” The XLIX Super Bowl is a wrap and so is our most recent ZimmPoll. Chips and dip topped the charts, but wings were a close second. I couldn’t agree more with those who responded to our poll. I love chips and dip of any kind. I have …
Super Bowl Food Fever
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Is China’s recent ban on imports of U.S. poultry & eggs justified?” On January 8, the Chinese government imposed a nationwide restriction on U.S. imported poultry and eggs following the detection of avian flu in wild birds in the Pacific Northwest. There is no doubt the majority of those polled agree with the rest …
Is China’s Ban on Imports of U.S. Poultry Justified?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think about new US Ag Coalition for Cuba?” There is no doubt the ag community is behind the U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba and it’s goals of re-establishing trade. As time goes by it will be interesting to see how it will open up the market in U.S. food and ag …
What’s Your Opinion on US Ag Coalition for Cuba?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think were the biggest ag stories of 2014?” We were not limited on the number of important ag stories in 2014. It looks like RFS and the drought in the West topped this poll. Immigration and agriculture documentaries were a few others people added to the list. 2015 has already started …
What Were Biggest Ag Stories of 2014?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What type of gadget is on your wish or to-give list?” Did you find your favorite gadget under the tree this year? Our results were pretty evenly spread out. I was excited to see many were wanting to utilize drone technology. But the GoPro video camera exceeded all other gadgets. I think that might …