Renewable Fuels Association president Bob Dineen has an interesting holiday perspective on turkeys and ethanol
And They Said It Couldn’t Be Done…
The U.S. ethanol industry has already met – and beat – the requirement for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) set for 2006 this year, according to the Renewable Fuels Association.
National Biodiesel Board News
The National Biodiesel Board re-elected it’s entire slate of officers for “what promises to be a period of intense growth in production and sales,” according to the organization news release.
Cargill Ethanol Expansion Plans
Cargill is planning to build a second plant in Blair, NE that would produce 110 million gallons of ethanol per year.
CHS Aquisition
The already huge CHS, Inc. got bigger this week as it acquired 28 percent ownership in U.S. BioEnergy Corporation, an ethanol production and marketing firm.
Biodiesel Incentive Stimulates Imports
A Florida-based company is importing biodiesel from Ecuador, but some domestic producers are not very happy about it.
More Corn Going To Ethanol Production
USDA’s latest crop production forecast calls for a U.S. corn crop of 11-billion bushels this year. While that’s seven-percent below 2004, it’s still an increase of two-percent from October and is on track to be the second largest corn crop on record – despite many major production states having drought conditions during a critical point in the growing season this year. This month’s outlook for 2005/06 U.S. corn is for increased production, higher domestic consumption, larger stocks, and lower prices. The good news is that more corn is going into ethanol production
Bill To Require FFVs
U.S. Sens. Dick Lugar (R-IN), Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Barack Obama (D-IL) introduce the Fuel Security and Consumer Choice Act. This bill would require all U.S. marketed vehicles to be manufactured as Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFVs) within ten years.
Getting more E-85 fueling stations and more flex-fuel vehicles on the road are goals of the National Ethanol Vehicle Association, based in Jefferson City, the beautiful capitol city of Missouri.
There are lots of organizations that are involved in some aspect of domestic fuels. I had the opportunity to talk with two of them this week in Kansas City at the National Association of Farm Broadcasters meeting. The first is the Renewable Fuels Association.