Advanced Bioenergy, LLC is breaking ground December 2 for a 100 million gallon ethanol plant in Fairmont, Nebraska
IA Farm Bureau Debates Ethanol Mandate
Delegates to the Iowa Farm Bureau annual meeting this week made some media waves when they rejected language in a resolution that would require an ethanol “mandate” in the state.
Shroom-driven Ethanol
Shitake mushrooms are tasty delicacies that are known for their smoky, rich flavor – but they also have another attribute that could help increase the efficiency of ethanol refining
Bio-Willie Headlines 3rd Biodiesel Conference
The National Biodiesel Board is getting in gear for it’s big annual meeting coming up in February at the San Diego Convention Center.
Ethanol Good For Turkeys Too!
Renewable Fuels Association president Bob Dineen has an interesting holiday perspective on turkeys and ethanol
And They Said It Couldn’t Be Done…
The U.S. ethanol industry has already met – and beat – the requirement for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) set for 2006 this year, according to the Renewable Fuels Association.
National Biodiesel Board News
The National Biodiesel Board re-elected it’s entire slate of officers for “what promises to be a period of intense growth in production and sales,” according to the organization news release.
Cargill Ethanol Expansion Plans
Cargill is planning to build a second plant in Blair, NE that would produce 110 million gallons of ethanol per year.
CHS Aquisition
The already huge CHS, Inc. got bigger this week as it acquired 28 percent ownership in U.S. BioEnergy Corporation, an ethanol production and marketing firm.
Biodiesel Incentive Stimulates Imports
A Florida-based company is importing biodiesel from Ecuador, but some domestic producers are not very happy about it.