The Renewable Fuels Association, together with Growth Energy, filed a petition in the Supreme Court of the United States Monday requesting review of a Fifth Circuit Court opinion on proper venue for challenges to the Environmental Protection Agency’s small refinery exemption (SRE) petitions under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). In a November 2023 decision, the Fifth Circuit concluded that it …

USGC Provides Ethanol Education in Latin America
As many countries across Latin America (LTA) seek to develop energy transition policies, the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) along with the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) have partnered to train government officials and industry and refinery representatives on the benefits of ethanol and its use in gasoline blending. The training program …
Senate Resolution Opposes EV Tax Credit Rule
Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) is one of six Senators who joined to introduce a resolution of disapproval last week opposing the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s final rule implementing the 30D Clean Vehicle Credit for electric vehicles with batteries containing Chinese sourced materials like graphite. The resolution was sponsored by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Energy …
Iowa Renewable Fuels Issues Forum Scheduled
Candidates for the Republican nomination for Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District will address key issues for the state at the Rural and Renewable Fuels Issue Forum to be held May 30 at the Western Iowa Tech Community College in Cherokee. Candidates U.S. Representative Randy Feenstra and Kevin Virgil have both confirmed their attendance at the event sponsored by the Agribusiness Association …
Groups Urge Treasury to Finalize Clean Fuels Credit
Over two dozen organizations representing all segments of the renewable fuels industry sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen this week urging her to finalize and publish guidance for the §45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit as soon as possible. The credit, which was created in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, is designed to incentivize domestic production of low-carbon fuels …
Court Rejects Oil Industry Challenge to RFS
A D.C. Circuit Court ruling on Tuesday upholds EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standards for 2020-2022 and rejects the oil refining industry’s challenges to the rule. The Court found that EPA acted appropriately in setting RFS standards for those years, including a supplemental volume requirement to comply with a 2016 D.C. Circuit Court decision. “Once again, renewable fuel producers claim that EPA’s …
Clean Fuels Makes Governing Board Changes
Clean Fuels Alliance America announced recent changes within its Governing Board. Courtney Lawrenson, Vice President – Oils and Energy at AGP, has been appointed by the board to serve as Second Vice-Chair succeeding Gary Louis who recently retired from his role with Seaboard Energy as as President and CEO. Peter Ostenfeld-Rosenthal, incoming President and CEO at Seaboard Energy, joins the …
LanzaTech Earnings Soar on SAF
LanzaTech is reporting a six percent increase in revenue the first quarter of this year over 2023, thanks in part to a boost from its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) investment in LanzaJet. “The robust growth in LanzaJet and the SAF market more broadly mirrors the rising demand for our waste-based ethanol, reflecting the expansion and impact of our commercial project …
Clean Fuels Celebrates Ag on the National Mall
Clean Fuels Alliance America was one of 30 organizations and 25 equipment manufacturers on the National Mall this week for the second Celebration of Modern Agriculture spotlighting the Future of Food and Farming. Clean Fuels Director of Public Affairs and Federal Communications Paul Winters says they had a good local message for visitors who live in the DC area. “We’re …
March Ethanol and DDGs Exports Hit 2 Year Highs
U.S. exports of both ethanol and the co-product dried distillers grains (DDGS) were higher in March, according to the latest analysis from the Renewable Fuels Association. March U.S. ethanol exports increased 15% to a 23-month high of 159.3 million gallons (mg), with 97% bound for just ten markets. The largest share (30%) transferred to Canada, our top customer for the …