Clean Fuels Conference 202

Free Webinar on New RFS2 NPRM

Joanna Schroeder

The EPA has released a new Notice of Proposed Rule Making: RFS Pathways II and Technical Amendments to the RFS2 Standards. EcoEngineers is offering a FREE webinar on July 10, 2013 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm central standard time (CST).

EcoEngineers LogoSome of the proposed changes include:

  • New penalties for failure to meet certain RFS reporting deadlines.
  • Additional requirements for foreign renewable fuel producers and importers who generate RINs.
  • New pathway for “advanced butanol.”
  • New pathways for cellulosic diesel/naphtha and renewable electricity from landfill biogas.
  • Landfill biogas CNG/LNG to qualify for cellulosic RINs and clarification of what constitutes cellulosic feedstock and amendment to who qualifies as RIN generator for biogas.
  • Expansion of qualified feedstock for anaerobic digestors.
  • Expansion of RVP standards for gasoline.

During the free webinar you’ll find out what the EPA’s proposed RFS2 amendments mean for the renewable fuel industry and RIN markets. An interactive Q&A period will follow the presentations. Click here to register.

biofuels, Education, RINS