USGC Provides Ethanol Education in Latin America

Cindy Zimmerman

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As many countries across Latin America (LTA) seek to develop energy transition policies, the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) along with the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) have partnered to train government officials and industry and refinery representatives on the benefits of ethanol and its use in gasoline blending.

The training program began in February 2024 with the launch of a virtual course in which more than 380 people from 13 Latin American countries registered. The course content included six modules on various topics, including biofuels and climate change, global ethanol markets and sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

“The last two weeks have been very fruitful, as the program has held face-to-face workshops in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and more recently Peru. More than 160 participants from eight countries have gained a greater understanding of the topics covered in the virtual course and have learned about international experiences with ethanol blends from the United States, Argentina, Bolivia and Colombia, among other countries,” said Juan Diaz, USGC LTA regional ethanol consultant.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Grains, International, USGC