Grassley Hearing GREET Model Update Rumors

Cindy Zimmerman

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley is unhappy with what he has been hearing about the GREET model updates for sustainable aviation fuel expected soon from the Biden Administration.

“We understand that this model might say that you can use (corn as a) feedstock but it will have to be grown in one of three conditions – minimum tillage, cover crops, or these new corn planters where you have very precise application of chemicals or fertilizer,” said Grassley in his weekly call with agricultural reporters on Tuesday.

The problem with that, he says, “we commingle our grain when it gets to the local elevator. And you can’t tell one kind of corn from another kind of corn” making it easy to violate the formula. As a result, Grassley says, one of two things will happen. “Either we get all of our corn into the formula or you’re not going to get any corn into the formula.”

Since USDA is one of the agencies involved in the GREET model updates, Grassley said he hopes they make it “very clear to the other three departments that are involved in this decision making, because this is a stupid approach. From the standpoint of both the need for new aviation fuel to fight global warming and the ability to produce that amount of fuel is going to be impeded.”

Listen to Grassley’s comments below:
Sen. Grassley press call 4-9-24 16:58

Audio, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News