Volumes of E15 and E85 Set New Records in Minnesota

Cindy Zimmerman

The latest data from the Minnesota Commerce Department shows sales of both E15 and E85 hit new records in 2023. The volume of E15 reported hit 127.6 million gallons, up 21 percent from 2022, while E85 sales were reported at 16.6 million gallons, up 8 percent from 2022 and the highest on record.

Al-Corn Clean Fuels CEO Thomas Harwood

When that news was released last week, the CEO of Al-Corn Clean Fuel in Claremont, Minnesota was in Washington, D.C. urging lawmakers to support year round E15 sales. “Really proud of the work we’re doing in the state of Minnesota to push E15 sales,” said Thomas Harwood. “That’s why it’s so critical that we get movement on year round E15. We’ve shown in Minnesota that we can do it and that it’ll benefit consumers.”

Thomas Harwood, Al-Corn Clean Fuels 3:26

“When it comes to expanding the use of ethanol, Minnesota continues to set an excellent example for the rest of the country to follow,” said Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “Minnesota families understand the economic and environmental benefits of using higher blends like E15 and flex fuels like E85; they know that choosing these lower-cost, lower-carbon fuels supports local farmers and creates good-paying jobs across the state.”

Minnesota is one of the eight Midwest states where the year-round sales of E15 will be allowed, starting in 2025, but will still require a waiver from EPA to allow sales this summer.

ACE, Audio, E15, E85, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA