Next Gen DDGs Offer New Opportunities

Cindy Zimmerman

New corn fractionation technologies at dry mills offer the potential for ethanol producers to produce specialized Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGs) for specific livestock and poultry needs, according to the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA).

As these next generation DDGs products become increasingly competitive in their nutritional composition, ethanol manufacturers have the opportunity to diversify their portfolio, plugging into newly created revenue sources. If an ethanol plant is experiencing a lull in liquid fuel demand, they could offset this loss or risk by continuing to produce specialized feed products for livestock, poultry and aquaculture producers as well as the pet food industry. This heightened level of confidence and corn demand consistency at a local ethanol plant could translate to additional dollars back on the farm.

Clark Price, a North Dakota corn grower and cattle producer, uses modified distillers in his grower and finisher diets. “Depending on the price of the product, we use it as an energy source first, which at 20-to-40 percent in the ration, provides us with all of the protein requirements also. The modified distillers also work as a ration conditioner which binds the ration together and eliminates cattle sorting as well as a rumen conditioner due to its bypass protein.”

The new corn fractionation technologies create value by separating out the various components of corn to optimize feed for animals of different species in various geographies and life stages. Producers are working with regulatory agencies to develop specifications for these next generation feed products.

corn, Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Ethanol News, livestock feed, NCGA