Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Stakeholders Submit RFS Comments

Cindy Zimmerman

Friday was the final day to submit comments to the EPA on proposed 2019 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) renewable volume obligations (RVOs) and ethanol stakeholders made sure they had their say.

Despite the EPA specifically noting that comments on small refinery exemptions would be “deemed beyond the scope of this rulemaking,” every group commenting had something to say about the need for the agency to make up for the billions of gallons lost by the waivers.

Renewable Fuels Association
“RFA’s strongly held position is that EPA’s final rule must account for projected small refinery exemptions in calculating the 2019 RVO percentages. The agency has already shown it knows how to do so and has explained why accounting for projected exemptions best meets the statutory intent of the RFS.”

Growth Energy
“The proposed RVO has failed to account for the 2.25 billion gallons lost due to small refinery exemptions. By failing to account for these exemptions, EPA has made the numbers hollow turning the clock back on the RFS by 5 years.”

American Coalition for Ethanol
“While the proposed rule purports to maintain the 15-billion-gallon conventional blending target for the 2019 RVO, nearly 50 Small Refinery Exemptions (SREs) will reduce ethanol blending far below 15 billion gallons…As a result, D6 RIN prices have cratered…This, consequently, has reduced the incentive to blend ethanol with gasoline.”

National Corn Growers Association
“While EPA may not want feedback on how the agency is failing to maintain the integrity of the RFS and administer the volume standards in accordance with the law, corn farmers will provide that feedback nonetheless and make our voices heard.”

ACE, Audio, biofuels, corn, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, NCGA, RFA, RFS